a-a-a-and the MFM RODIME RO352 from our Apricot has stuck :< #retrocomputingproblems
nina decided to boot a linux on old pentium laptop.. and so far it only boots with debian sarge #retrocomputingproblems #geekgirl
#geekgirl #retrocomputingproblems
I'm chasing a floppy disk i/f fault round my BBC MIcro to get a Gotek working.
I've found one bad TTL logic chip so far, but fear that the main 8271 controller is bad, so I'm on the lookout for a reliable source for a replacement, or do I just go for a 1770 kit? #retrocomputingproblems #BBCMicroComputer #8bitcomputer
#retrocomputingproblems #BBCMicroComputer #8bitcomputer
So back in the 1990s I got a random SCSI drive and discovered the IDE cable on my 386 tower fit it perfectly. I attached the drive and turned my computer on. Nothing happened and after that, I was never able to turn my computer on. Obviously I caused a short or directed power back to my motherboard where power shouldn't be, but can anybody explain -- the more detail the better -- what happened? #retrocomputingproblems