The company that acquired the Atari name (and keeps trying to do something with it) has just announced the Atari 2600+, a $130 retro console that plays Atari 2600 and 7800 cartridges, comes with 10 games, and supports HDMI output. #Atari #RetroConsole #Atari2600Plus
#atari #retroconsole #atari2600plus
After 6 years, #Retrocadia is back for SE2!
A really fun #RetroConsole « Let’s play » show that my buddies in Toronto do. It’s pretty gay and funny. Check it out! :queercat_pride: 👾
In Ep1, the play Clash at Demonhead on the NES (w/ Nick)
In Ep2, they’ll play Barbie: Super Model for the SNES (w/ Ivory Towers, one of my fav Toronto drag performers haha)
#retrocadia #retroconsole #letsplay #queergaming
Hyper Mega Tech's Super Pocket Capcom & TAITO Editions are $59 handheld game system with a Game Boy-like design and 12 or more classic games. Pre-orders open July 14th, ships in October. Compatible with Evercade cartridges for additional games.
#Gaming #HandheldGameConsole #RetroConsole #SuperPocket #HyperMegaTech #Evercade
#gaming #handheldgameconsole #retroconsole #superpocket #hypermegatech #evercade
Picopad is an open source game console with a Raspberry Pi RP2040 microcontroller #Picopad #RaspberryPiPico #RetroConsole #GameConsole
#picopad #RaspberryPiPico #retroconsole #gameconsole
Anbernic RG nano keychain-sized retro game console is now available
#Liliputing #Anbernic #Keychain #RetroConsole #GameConsole #AnbernicRGNano
#liliputing #anbernic #keychain #retroconsole #gameconsole #anbernicrgnano
Found a borked Amiga CD32 :amigacd32: in my basement. Recap, still wouldn't read discs. Replaced laser, still didn't work. Forgot to remove static discharge protection solder blob from the laser, doh! Loading discs now, but sound cracking. Probably a short under one of the caps, redoing all of them now.
#amiga #amigacd32 #retrorepair #commodore #retroconsole
Anbernic RG nano is a keychain-sized retro game console
#AnbernicRGNano #Anbernic #RetroConsole #VideoGames #Liliputing #MiniGameConsole
#anbernicrgnano #anbernic #retroconsole #videogames #liliputing #minigameconsole
#RetroGaming #RetroConsole #GameBoy #GameBoyPocket
“ The Foldable Game Boy Nintendo Never Made”
#retrogaming #retroconsole #gameboy #GameBoypocket
What are two things you would bring back from #retro PCs or consoles?
Right now I’m thinking music that is truly dynamic and changes based on the situation ala iMUSE, and the instantaneousness of plugging in a NES cart.
#retro #retrocomputing #retroconsole
if anyone (in the UK), is looking for a #Vectrex Console, just saw one for sale on gumtree East Lothian, for £200. which is a good price. hell its a really good price. tempted but its not really my thing. found it in my daily window shop for old #retrocomputing stuff
it looks to have some sort of space invaders vinyl wrapper on it as well. which is different.
search for vectrex in scotland and you should find it if its something you are after.
#retrogaming #retro #retrocomputer #retroconsole
#vectrex #retrocomputing #retrogaming #retro #retrocomputer #retroconsole
I have a #ColecoVision with a #ScrambledScreen and I am going to try and fix it! #RetroGaming #RetroConsole
#colecovision #scrambledscreen #retrogaming #retroconsole
Buonasera a tutti, #domanda per tutti gli amanti del #retrogaming :
Se volessi acquistare un Sega Master System, mi conviene puntare di più sulla prima versione o sulla seconda?
#domanda #retrogaming #sega #segamastersystem #retroconsole #console
The $90 PiBoy Mini turns a Raspberry pi Zero into a retro game console
#RaspberryPi #ExperimentalPi #PiBoyMini #handheld #RetroConsole
#raspberrypi #ExperimentalPi #piboymini #handheld #retroconsole
"Gather round kids, grandpa wants to tell you about optical CD readers. In the days before raspberry pis and sd cards...'
#RetroGaming #PicoStation :raspberrypi: #Playstation #RetroConsole
#retroconsole #Playstation #picostation #retrogaming
January 2023 update of SplatterVania, a work in progress game for #AtariJaguar console #atari #retrogaming #retroconsole
#atarijaguar #atari #retrogaming #retroconsole
came to work and coworker said those magic words every #retrocomputer / #retrogaming fan loves to hear. "I was clearing out my attic and found this, is it any good to you?"
a nice working #atari lynx, 4 games with manuals (blue lightening, rampage rygar & the gates of zendocon), power supply & a carry case.
the battery cover is lost, the cart door wont 'lock' and carts need a wiggle at times to get them to register but plays great.
#vintagegaming #handheld #retroconsole #atarilynx #atari #retrogaming #retrocomputer
[RETRO] Rilasciato GB Interceptor v1.0.4
Rilasciato dallo sviluppatore Staacks un nuovo aggiornamento di GB Interceptor con la nuova versione 1.0.4.Per chi non ha mai sentito parlare di questo progetto,GB Interceptor vi permette tramite adattatore di catturare o trasmettere filmati di gioco per Game Boy tramite USB senza modificare il Game Boy.Questo adattatore per Game Boy open source e hardware aper
[RETRO] Rilasciato GB Interceptor v1.0.3
Rilasciato in 24 ore dallo sviluppatore Staacks un nuovo aggiornamento di GB Interceptor con la nuova versione 1.0.3.Per chi non ha mai sentito parlare di questo progetto,GB Interceptor vi permette tramite adattatore di catturare o trasmettere filmati di gioco per Game Boy tramite USB senza modificare il Game Boy.Questo adattatore per Game Boy open source e har
[RETRO] Rilasciato GB Interceptor v1.0.2 : fixa qualche problema con i giochi
Pubblicato dallo sviluppatore Staacks un nuovo aggiornamento di GB Interceptor con la nuova versione 1.0.2.Per chi non ha mai sentito parlare di questo progetto,GB Interceptor vi permette tramite adattatore di catturare o trasmettere filmati di gioco per Game Boy tramite USB senza modificar