Also a funny note to add on to this. a couple of people from #Retrofighters contacted me back and mentioned about a "Dreamcast project we have coming up". In which my Initiative aligns with what they are planning.
The new #RetroFighters controller is quite peculiar. On the one hand it is an ergonomic pad for the original Xbox with hall effect sticks and triggers, this is fine. But why no compatibility with modern XBox? Why only Switch and PC? Specially when it has no gyro and this kind of puts a stop to it being used for FPS games in Switch and PC which have gyro aiming games. I dig this thing! I have an original Xbox still, but it is peculiarโฆ #gaming #controllers #xbox #switch
#switch #retrofighters #gaming #controllers #xbox
The new #RetroFighters controller is quite peculiar. On the one hand it is an ergonomic pad for the original Xbox with hall effect sticks and triggers, this is fine. But why no compatibility with modern XBox? Why only Switch and PC? Specially when it has no gyro and this kind of puts a stop to it being used for FPS games in Switch and PC which have gyro aiming games. I dig this thing! I have an original Xbox still, but it is peculiarโฆ #gaming #controllers #xbox #switch
#retrofighters #gaming #controllers #xbox #switch
@timixretroplays the d-pad is kinda... wiggly, like it's hard to keep from hitting diagonals. It's not hard or tiring, I'll give it that.
#RetroFighters got all the button layouts don't they!? I'm gonna needs me some #Gamecube/#N64 buttons one of these days; so many of those games really rely on those layouts.
These controllers are for 2-player with GenXers so the most important thing is that they nail #NES functionality so well nobody can complain about them.
@schizanon When you say the F310 doesn't hold directions well enough, what do you mean? Is it the relatively loose D-pad? That's interesting because I quite like the F310 and most pads in that family.
I like my PS4 pad for light #retrogaming, but the split D-pad style is fatiguing after a while. I like my SFC30s except the D-pad is super hard and also tiring.
The best D-pad I've ever felt is on a #Stadia controller, but they can be tough to use. I also highly rate the #RetroFighters Defender.
#stadia #retrofighters #retrogaming
So who can I entice to play with my purple joy box?
#gamecube #retrofighters #retrogaming #nintendo
The Retro Fighters Blade GC and Battler GC GameCube controllers are really nice pads blending the Gameacube/WaveBird with more modern controller design.
So far I've not had any input issues on any of my pads and they work great with both GameCube and Switch. My only small complaint is the need to re-pair the pad to adapter if change from GameCube to USB adapters.
#GameCube #GameCubeController #GameBoyPlayer #Nintendo #NintendoSwitch #RetroFighters #RetroGaming #Gaming
#gamecube #gamecubecontroller #gameboyplayer #nintendo #NintendoSwitch #retrofighters #retrogaming #gaming
This is my new N64-style #RetroFighters #Brawler64 Bluetooth Controller, and it's perfect for #StarFox64. Previously I gave up on playing this game on the #NintendoSwitch because the controls were unusable with the Switch's standard Pro Controller mappings.
#NintendoSwitch #starfox64 #brawler64 #retrofighters
My new #RetroFighters #Brawler64 Bluetooth controller came this morning, and what better way to test it out than #StarFox64! #Nintendo64 #NintendoSwitchOnline #NintendoSwitch
#NintendoSwitch #nintendoswitchonline #Nintendo64 #starfox64 #brawler64 #retrofighters