I was surprised to see this in Video Game and Computer Entertainment Magazine from June 1993. Specifically the two different HUDs, which appear to be a pre-1.0 version. #retrogaming #retrogaming_history #doom #gaming
#retrogaming #retrogaming_history #doom #gaming
Retro types! If you're an curious tinkerer like me, you could do worse than look at https://github.com/historicalsource . Source code from old games, arcade projects etc. Certainly what's been added recently is my kind of thing.
#arcade #retrogaming_history
Love this book I was given when I left IBM in the 80s. Available to read on the Internet Archive, and people have even put the programs up on Github. Hard to find physical copies now though.
Love this book I was given when I left IBM in the 80s. Available to read on the Internet Archive, and people have even put the programs up on Github. Hard to find physical copies now though.
:sidekiq: Early Fighting Games before Street Fighter
— Modern Vintage Gamer
#FightingGames #retrogaming_history #retrogaming
#fightinggames #retrogaming_history #retrogaming
:sidekiq: Early Fighting Games before Street Fighter
— Modern Vintage Gamer
#FightingGames #retrogaming_history #retrogaming
#fightinggames #retrogaming_history #retrogaming
Am 1. März 1997 erschien die 3D Jump and Run Revolution #SuperMario64 für das #N64. Ich hatte das Glück dieses Ereignis miterleben zu dürfen und habe Mario 64 geliebt und quasi täglich gespielt. Bis heute gehört es zu meinen Feel-Good Lieblingspielen. ❤️
Ich habe damals Monate oder sogar Jahre gebraucht, auf jeden Fall fühlte es sich damals wie eine Ewigkeit an, bis ich stolzer Besitzer von 120 Sternchen war. 🌟
#RetroMontag #retrogamingcommunity #retrogaming_history #nintendo
#supermario64 #n64 #retromontag #retrogamingcommunity #retrogaming_history #nintendo
Den Macintosh mal wieder angeschmissen. Dark Seed, grafisch echt nach wie vor ein Hingucker. 🤩 Läuft erstaunlich gut 👍 #macintosh #retrogaming_history
#macintosh #retrogaming_history