The weather forced us to have another #Retrozock today. :-) We played Fruity Frank, Pinball Dreams, Puzzle Bobble, Burning Rubber and Megablasters on #Amstrad #CPC.
Additional soundtrack by Instant Remedy, Press Play On Tape, Chris Huelsbeck, Rob Hubbard, LukHash, Jeroen Tel and others.
#amstradcpc #retrogaming #retrocomputing #8bit #InstantRemedy #PressPlayOnTape #LukHash #RobHubbard #ChrisHuelsbeck #JeroenTel #Gaming
#retrozock #AMSTRAD #CPC #amstradcpc #retrogaming #Retrocomputing #8bit #instantremedy #pressplayontape #lukhash #robhubbard #chrishuelsbeck #jeroentel #Gaming
Today the weather is not really nice. So it's another good opportunity for a #retrozock at the #AmstradCPC. And since #cycling outside is not possible (not only caused by the weather...) Milk Race was a good choice. One could say it's the spiritual father of #zwift. 😂
Read more about the real Milk Race here:
#retrozock #amstradcpc #cycling #zwift #CPC #AMSTRAD #retrogaming #Retrocomputing #retrogames
Today the weather is not really nice. So it's another good opportunity for a #retrozock at the #AmstradCPC. And since #cycling outside is not possible (not only caused by the weather...) Milk Race was a good choice. One could say it's the spiritual father of #zwift. 😂
Read more about the real Milk Race here:
#retrozock #amstradcpc #cycling #zwift #CPC #AMSTRAD
This weekend's #Retrozock brought us some nice battles with Power #Tetris (by Face Hugger) on the #AmstradCPC.
Btw. if you connect two CPCs via the printer port four players can play simultaneously. Very funny!
Soundtrack in the background today by #InstantRemedy and #WelleErdball.
#retrozock #tetris #amstradcpc #instantremedy #welleerdball #retrogames #Retrocomputing #retrogaming
#Retrozock on friday evening and we show this #Speccy guy why #CPC still rules. 😎
Not sure what will be next. Maybe Crazy Taxi 2 on #Dreamcast.
#retrozock #speccy #CPC #dreamcast #retro #beer #AMSTRAD #sega #zxspectrum