Just finished #ReturnOfTheObraDinn by @dukope, played it with @dmynerd78 using Discord voice chat+screenshare and a notes app between the two of us in order to solve all of the game.
It was a fantastic experience and totally worth all 23 hours of it.
9 mystères de résolus pour l’instant dans #ReturnOfTheObraDinn , tout les chapitres entièrement débloqués sauf le 8, donc l’annonce de tempête a été fait.
L’enquête continue !
Je viens de commencer #ReturnOfTheObraDinn et mine de rien le jargon naval va bien m’embêter 😂 J’essaye déjà d’identifier le poste de deux victimes.
Sort of an #introduction. I mostly play #multiplayer #games and recently have been chasing detective and problem solving games.
Now playing:
Legend of Zelda - Tears of the Kingdom #TotK
Deep Rock Galactic #RockAndStone
Rocket League #RocketLeague
Games I have fond memories of:
#introduction #multiplayer #games #totk #rockandstone #rocketleague #gunfirereborn #tunic #discoelysium #shadowofmordor #castlecrashers #loversinadangerousspacetime #portal2 #botw #returnoftheobradinn #pikmin4 #supermariobroswonder #outerwilds
Probably #ReturnOfTheObraDinn. I have been trying to find a similar game ever since.
Kiinnostaa myös #pelit. Nyt vetänyt puoleensa erilaiset ongelmanratkaisu- ja päättelypelit, ja moninpelit kaverien kanssa.
Tällä hetkellä tulee palattua näiden pariin:
Legend of Zelda - Tears of Kingdom #totk
Deep Rock Galactic #rockAndStone
Rocket League #rocketLeague
Vaikutuksen ovat jättäneet:
#pelit #totk #rockandstone #rocketleague #gunfirereborn #tunic #discoelysium #shadowofmordor #castlecrashers #loversinadangerousspacetime #portal2 #botw #returnoftheobradinn #pikmin4 #supermariobroswonder
Solved some more today. Hardest part is to actually choose the correct death. #ReturnOfTheObraDinn
Man these guys on the Obra Dinn did *not* have a good trip. #ReturnOfTheObraDinn #videogames
#returnoftheobradinn #videogames
En pleine enquête sur l'Obra Dinn. J'explore les lieux au moment de la mort de tous les cadavres que je trouve.
J'ai pu retracer tous les événements ayant eu lieu sur le navire, et maintenant il faut que je recoupe tous les détails pour mettre un nom sur chaque membre de l'équipage. J'en suis encore loin !
#returnoftheobradinn #jeuxvideo
#Question: If you got the chance to forget one game so you could play it fresh for the first time again, which one would you pick?
For me, probably #ReturnOfTheObraDinn.
Maybe #OuterWilds. Tough call. Obviously, I love a good mystery!
How about you? #ShareYourGames
#question #returnoftheobradinn #outerwilds #shareyourgames
Everybody who likes puzzle games of the whudunnit variety should go and play #TheCaseOfTheGoldenIdol . Especially if you were into #ReturnOfTheObraDinn . 🤩
Even though it only took me around 5h to complete, I'm very satisfied with the workout I got for my brain. You can't beat that *AHA* feeling of all the pieces finally falling into place.
I have to admit that I was glad about the epilogue. While all the hints were there, I needed someone to spell out the implications of the final case. 😅
#thecaseofthegoldenidol #returnoftheobradinn
Last night stream was so cozy with a retro game from my youth, #CrystalWarriors for Game Gear. The movie we watched later, Old Ironsides (1926), was interesting for how the ships were presented on camera and we discovered a scene that was referenced in #ReturnOfTheObraDinn. ⚓️
#crystalwarriors #returnoftheobradinn
Are there any predecessors for the style of input/progress gating found in Return of the Obra Dinn and The Case of the Golden Idol?
In each, you have blanks requiring info about a given scene that you must fill in correctly, through deduction and other puzzle solving, in order to progress. (See pics for screenshots from each)
#Games #VideoGames #VideoGameUI #PuzzleGames #MurderMystery #ObraDinn #ReturnOfTheObraDinn #CaseOfTheGoldenIdol #TheCaseOfTheGoldenIdol
#thecaseofthegoldenidol #caseofthegoldenidol #returnoftheobradinn #obradinn #murdermystery #puzzlegames #videogameui #videogames #games
I bought the $650 #SteamDeck in March of 2022 which means I got it in October. I worried the whole time I was waiting that I'd made a mistake. That I would hate it. That it would be uncomfortable or too heavy.
I wasn't sure I'd even go through with the purchase when I got the email that it was time.
But I did.
I love it. The biggest limitation is the battery life, but if you are playing in bed, you'd be able to have it plugged in.
It's bigger than you think if you haven't seen one in person. It looks too big, but once you wrap your hands around it, it feels perfectly designed.
I have no problems using both analog thumbstick, the XYAB buttons, both touchpads, the top buttons, or the triggers. The back paddles, back buttons are a little finicky, but you can sort of squeeze them by closing your fingers in and that works. It's easier than pushing the buttons, too. Also, the D-Pad is little awkward for me to use. Finally, the touchscreen itself is difficult to use because you really need both hands to hold the #SteamDeck
You can use the touchpads to access the on-screen keyboard, similar to how it worked with the old #SteamController. So you don't have to touch the screen to type, but it is faster if you do. Wiggling the pointer around to the letters you want and gently depressing the touchpad to type it is difficult to do quickly.
Game-wise, it's wonderful. I've put at least 150 hours of gaming into it, most from my recliner, since I got it.
I've done minimal fiddling with the settings. The only settings I changed permanently was limiting the FPS instead of 60. That saves some battery without making games look terrible.
I do not regret purchasing it. My thumbs regret it. I'm getting Nintendo thumb like I had as a kid, but it's worth it.
I'm not sure what kind of games you like, but I have played Roguelites, Medtroidvania, ARPGs, and RPGs without issue. It can run FPSes but I get motion sick.
In my experience, these are great on #SteamDeck which means no complications and controls are fully integrated:
I want to talk about #VampireSurvivors for a second. I have that game on PC / #SteamDeck, but there is also a mobile version. I've tried playing the mobile version on my tablet and it was awful. It was unplayable for me because the touch controls were so soft. But on the #SteamDeck, it is fantastic. I am able to deftly weave around enemies in a way that was impossible on the tablet.
Here are games that worked fine for me but weren't fully integrated, so prompts for keyboard or having to rely on touchpad and triggers instead of keyboard and mouse:
#CryptOfTheNecrodancer is "meh" just because it's better with the D-pad and that is hard for me to comfortably use.
There are some other puzzle games and adventure games that were fine to play, but you are using the thumpad as a mouse and the triggers as mouse buttons. It takes a little bit of getting used to.
I have terrible nearsightedness. I hold the #SteamDeck about 4" from my face to play it, which has the side effect of making the screen seem to be absolutely gigantic.
#SteamDeck #steamcontroller #RogueLegacy2 #roguelegacy #hades #divinityoriginalsinenhancededition #divinityoriginalsin2 #VampireSurvivors #deadcells #victorvran #tyranny #grimdawn #faeriesolitaire #DiscoElysium #returnoftheobradinn #slaythespire #shadowrun #cryptofthenecrodancer
me playing #ReturnOfTheObraDinn: was this man TORN APART or EATEN by a terrible beast?
#NP #returnoftheobradinn it’s pretty interesting so far, the transitions from memories are a bit janky
Played #ReturnoftheObraDinn over Christmas. It's as good as everyone says. And I've been humming big chunks of the score ever since. The score is good also
Just finished Return of the Obra Dinn and, Wow! It's a super fun detective puzzle. I was really taken with the retro art style and all the monitor color combos available. Took me longer than I thought, but there was some really tricky stuff in there. It also has the distinction of being the first game I played on my TV through a simple USB-C hub (I already had) with HDMI out. Worked flawlessly.
#SteamDeck #DockedPlay #ReturnOfTheObraDinn #DualShock4
#dualshock4 #returnoftheobradinn #dockedplay #SteamDeck