😉Venku jsou další noví verze #ReVanced aplikací. 🏖
👉 YouTube ReVanced Extended v18.33.40
YT Music ReVanced Extended v6.16.52: https://bezreklam.xyz/youtube-revanced-stazeni-2023/
👉 Twitch ReVanced: https://bezreklam.xyz/twitch-revanced-2023/
👉 TikTok ReVanced: https://bezreklam.xyz/tiktok-revanced-2023/
👉 Reddit ReVanced: https://bezreklam.xyz/reddit-revanced-2023/
👉 Messenger ReVanced: https://bezreklam.xyz/messenger-revanced-2023/
#revanced #mobilniaplikace #android
Venku jsou nové buildy různých #ReVanced aplikací. ❤️
👉 TikTok Revanced: https://bezreklam.xyz/tiktok-revanced-2023/
👉Reddit ReVanced: https://bezreklam.xyz/reddit-revanced-2023/
👉 Messenger ReVanced: https://bezreklam.xyz/messenger-revanced-2023/
👉Twitch ReVanced: https://bezreklam.xyz/twitch-revanced-2023/
⚠️Venku jsou nové buildy #ReVanced pro YouTube😜
- YouTube ReVanced Extended v18.33.37
- YT Music ReVanced Extended v6.16.52
#revanced #mobilniaplikace #apk #android
Dostupná nová verze Twitch ReVanced pro sledování živých streamů bez reklam zdarma 😉
👉 https://bezreklam.xyz/twitch-revanced-2023/
#YouTube #ReVanced Extended is a dead parrot, according to a forum I found. However, a version of non-Extended ReVanced is working. Not as well, though. For example, beneath the timeline on a video, there are buttons for Comments and Details and such. Those buttons work in #Extended, while in plain RV they don't. Clicking them on TV merely makes the line of buttons disappear, and they do nothing.
But one thing that does work in RV is my YouTube account. That's a big deficit in #PipePipe and #NewPipe. If I see a video worth watching while I'm on my PC, I add it to my #WatchLater queue. Ditto if I'm on my tablet. Then later I can watch it on TV via #NvidiaShield.
That fails without an account. Without a shared account, devices are separated. If I add a video to a playlist on tablet, that has zero effect on my TV box, which seriously cramps my flow. I'd have to save links of vids I wanted to watch later to some other app, and transfer them to my Shield in the evening. I probably will make a copy of my subscriptions and saved playlists in PipePipe, even if I can't get #SponsorBlock to work there. Good to have a backup in case RV dies like RVX did. It will take many hours over several days, however.
#youtube #revanced #extended #pipepipe #newpipe #watchlater #nvidiashield #sponsorblock
Well, various finagling hasn't gotten videos to play past the 70-second mark in #YouTube #ReVanced Extended, so it seems dead to me, at least for now. Strangely, the non-Extended version seems to be working, despite RVX being at 18.27.36 and RV only being at 18.23.35.
I also played with #NewPipe #SponsorBlock 0.25.1, but [1] it's fragile (zoom and unzoom the video wrong, and playback gets the green jitters), and [2] SponsorBlock requires an API URI, and the only one I found online doesn't seem to do anything. Downloaded but haven't yet played with #PipePipe.
#youtube #revanced #newpipe #sponsorblock #pipepipe
#YouTube #ReVanced Extended no longer works for me. Not on phone, or tablet, or #NvidiaShield. It will play the first 1:08 of a video, then just sit paused, spinning its wait circle.
Updated to the latest version from today, 18.27.36, still no go. Changed "spoof player parameter" as the forum advised: no change. Force stopping the app and then playing a video again gets a couple more seconds, then the video stops again.
Tomorrow I'll try various uninstalls, reinstalls, versions, and other apps. Something better work, because I watch a *lot* of YouTube, like four or five hours per day. Up till now, with no ads, either YT-inserted or host-inserted.
#youtube #revanced #nvidiashield
Nové buildy #ReVanced aplikací. 😎
👉TikTok ReVanced: https://bezreklam.xyz/tiktok-revanced-2023/
👉Messenger ReVanced: https://bezreklam.xyz/messenger-revanced-2023/
👉Reddit ReVanced: https://bezreklam.xyz/reddit-revanced-2023/
Otestovány jsou nové buildy #ReVanced aplikací. :) Za chvilku dostupné ke stažení.
Dostupné nové buildy #ReVanced aplikací. Pokud nějakou ze zmíněných aplikací níže používáte, doporučuji stáhnout nové buildy. 😊😜
👉 TikTok ReVanced: https://bezreklam.xyz/tiktok-revanced-2023/
👉 Reddit ReVanced: https://bezreklam.xyz/reddit-revanced-2023/
👉Messenger ReVanced: https://bezreklam.xyz/messenger-revanced-2023/
#revanced #mobilniaplikace #android
nič nechcem.. dal som si dvojité espresso, dám si sprchu and YT #ReVanced ride :02_dab:
Dostupná je nová verze aplikace MicroG, která se stará o bezproblémový chod aplikací YouTube ReVanced a YT Music. Aktualizace je tedy doporučena. 😊👋
#revanced #mobilniaplikace #android #youtube #ytrevanced
V případě Twitch ReVanced je to složitější, aby po aplikování nejnovějších patchů fungovalo přehrávání živých streamů.
Je tu nová verze data 12. 7. 2023. Verze prošla testem na několika mobilech s Androidem 13. Streamy jsou bez reklam.
#twitch #revanced #mobilniaplikace #android
👋Dostupné nové ReVanced verze!
ℹ️ #ReVanced jsou upravené aplikace vycházející z oficiálních APK souborů. Odstraňují reklamy, umožňují stahovat obsah a mají další funkce.
👉 TikTok ReVanced: https://bezreklam.xyz/tiktok-revanced-2023/
👉 Reddit ReVanced: https://bezreklam.xyz/reddit-revanced-2023/
👉Messenger ReVanced: https://bezreklam.xyz/messenger-revanced-2023/
👉 YT Music ReVanced: https://bezreklam.xyz/youtube-revanced-stazeni-2023/
👋Nová APKáčka otestována a můžete se vrhnout do jejich stahování.❤️
ℹ️Nové buildy:
- Vanced MicroG v0.2.28.232514
- YT ReVanced v18.25.40 FINAL
👉 https://bezreklam.xyz/youtube-revanced-stazeni-2023/
#YouTube #YouTubeReVanced #ReVanced #Android #mobilniaplikace
#youtube #youtuberevanced #revanced #android #mobilniaplikace
Dostupná novější verze YT Music ReVanced. ☺️
#revanced #youtube #mobilnoaplikace