#BlackMastodon #BlackFedi #RevDrMartinLutherKingJr
"The time is always right to do what is right."
Martin Luther King, Jr.
#blackmastodon #BlackFedi #revdrmartinlutherkingjr
#BlackMastodon #BlackFedi #RevDrMartinLutherKingJr #NubianJakCommunityTrust
Historic ‘Blue Plaque’ for MLK unveiled: first in U.S. by British Trust known for recognizing Black history
#blackmastodon #BlackFedi #revdrmartinlutherkingjr #nubianjakcommunitytrust
#midwestagendaartews #midwestart #michigan #annarbor #lego #mosaic #aaronliepman #selmatomontgomery #votingrightsactof1965 #RalphAbernathy #JamesForman #RevDrMartinLutherKingJr. #RevJesseDouglas #JohnLewis #civilrights #votingrights #nonviolentdemonstration
#nonviolentdemonstration #votingrights #civilrights #JohnLewis #revjessedouglas #revdrmartinlutherkingjr #jamesforman #ralphabernathy #votingrightsactof1965 #selmatomontgomery #aaronliepman #mosaic #lego #annarbor #michigan #midwestart #midwestagendaartews
If you are in the Detroit metro area, Rev Jesse L. Jackson, Sr will be hosting a free rally on Martin Luther King Day. Old timers like me remember all that Rev Jackson has done to assure civil rights, liberty, equality and equity. If you don't know, his bio is too long to do justice here so check it out at the Rainbow Push Coalition website (rainbowpush.org).
#blackfediverse #mlkjrday #civilrights #revjessejackson #revdrmartinlutherkingjr #blackmastodon