Sabrina Reverb: Free smooth reverb effect by We Love Walter
#effect #filter #free #FreeDownload #Future #LFO #Linux #Love #reverb #Rich #Simple #Video #VST #VST3 #WeLoveWalter #Windows #x64 #x86
#effect #Filter #free #freedownload #future #lfo #linux #love #reverb #rich #simple #video #vst #vst3 #welovewalter #windows #x64 #x86
Stargazer by Linda Audio
Stargazer is a hybrid delay / reverb with shimmer grain generator.
The unique effect that can transform any sound to the ethereal shimmering soundscape,
#ambient #chorus #delay #effect #feedback #filter #free #FreeDownload #hybrid #LindaAudio #Mix #Modulation #music #Network #organ #other #Pitch #Presets #reverb #SFX #Stereo #Time #tool #transform #VST #VST3 #wider #Windows #x64 #x86
#ambient #chorus #delay #effect #feedback #Filter #free #freedownload #hybrid #lindaaudio #mix #modulation #music #network #organ #other #pitch #presets #reverb #sfx #stereo #time #tool #transform #vst #vst3 #wider #windows #x64 #x86
I am quite certain I figured out what model #bass I bought!
For some reason they didn't add that info so all I knew was that it is an #Ibanez BTB Premium w/ #Nordstand pickups, Mono-Rail bridge, #Gotoh turners, several EQ knobs+switches, multiple tonewoods.
Mine has black strings. Paid $700. #Reverb has a B stock for 2x that. New it was >US$1600.
I might re-finish it. Maybe sheer red/black/grey? Change gold HW to black chrome. It's gorgous but, I want more flavour. 😜
#reverb #gotoh #nordstand #ibanez #bass
Virtual Vocaid ROMpler Plugin by SampleScience
#2023 #ADSR #AU #chorus #delay #distortion #DSP #Effects #filter #highpass #info #LFO #Library #lowpass #MacOS #Modulation #Multi #pan #Pitch #polyphonic #reverb #Rompler #SampleScience #synthesis #Voice #VSTI #VSTI3 #Windows #Words
#adsr #au #chorus #delay #distortion #dsp #effects #Filter #highpass #info #lfo #library #lowpass #macOS #modulation #multi #pan #pitch #polyphonic #reverb #rompler #samplescience #synthesis #voice #vsti #vsti3 #windows #words
UltraBasic v2 Synthesizer Plugin by SampleScience
#AU #chorus #clean #delay #distortion #filter #highpass #info #LFO #lowpass #MacOS #Multi #polyphonic #reverb #Rompler #SampleScience #Saw #Simple #synthesis #Synthesizer #Voice #VSTI #VSTI3 #Waveforms #Windows
#au #chorus #clean #delay #distortion #Filter #highpass #info #lfo #lowpass #macOS #multi #polyphonic #reverb #rompler #samplescience #saw #simple #synthesis #synthesizer #voice #vsti #vsti3 #waveforms #windows
I wasn’t even really sure what this one was. I guess I started to think I bought it just because it was a cool picture disk but it’s actually got some interesting numbers, pretty much #1960s international cocktail kitch with enough voodoo vibes and vibrato #reverb to warrant a place on the shelf.
Rando on Reverb: Hey, does what you're selling come with this and this?
Me: sure does!
RoR: can I see pics of x y and z?
Me: sure thing, here ya go!
RoR: how much to ship?
Me: x including insurance.
RoR: ok thanks, bye!
I fuckin hate selling gear.
Testing out the new pedalboard 👞 👀 David always on point with with the palm muting...
#guitar #electricguitar #telecaster #guitarfetish #guitarpedals #pigtronix #philosopherstone #fuzzfactory #midfielectronics #phase #vibrato #earthquakerdevices #plumes #walrusaudio #slo #reverb #shoegaze #laney
#guitar #electricguitar #telecaster #guitarfetish #guitarpedals #pigtronix #philosopherstone #fuzzfactory #midfielectronics #phase #vibrato #earthquakerdevices #plumes #walrusaudio #slo #reverb #Shoegaze #laney
Modular Synth VCO Synthesizer Plugin by SampleScience[Windows,MacOS,VSTI,VSTI3,AU,x64]
#2023 #ADSR #Analog #AU #chorus #Collection #delay #Digital #distortion #filter #highpass #info #Keys #LFO #LoFi #lowpass #MacOS #Modular #Multi #Pads #polyphonic #reverb #Rompler #SampleScience #Saw #Synthesizer #Voice #VSTI #VSTI3 #Waveforms #Windows #x64
#adsr #analog #au #chorus #collection #delay #digital #distortion #Filter #highpass #info #keys #lfo #lofi #lowpass #macOS #modular #multi #pads #polyphonic #reverb #rompler #samplescience #saw #synthesizer #voice #vsti #vsti3 #waveforms #windows #x64
Flex Reverb by Platone Studio[Windows,MacOS,VST,VST3,AU,X64]
#2023 #AU #easy #EQ #Intel #IOS #MacOS #music #Plate #PlatoneStudio #reverb #VST #VST3 #Windows #x64
#au #easy #eq #intel #ios #macOS #music #plate #platonestudio #reverb #vst #vst3 #windows #x64
#AAX #ambience #artifacts #AU #beta #echo #free #GOYO #MacOS #music #other #reverb #Spatial #vocals #Voice #VST #VST3 #Windows
#aax #ambience #artifacts #au #beta #Echo #free #goyo #macOS #music #other #reverb #spatial #vocals #voice #vst #vst3 #windows
reverberated bells
it's my favorite bell patch on the deluge, using generative sequencing. with sending for delay and mood for reverb. added a tiny bit of piano/strings as an accent.
#ambient #ambientmusic #electronicmusic #synth #synthstromdeluge #chaseblissmood #eaesending #reverb #delay #gsglive @synths
#ambient #ambientmusic #electronicmusic #synth #synthstromdeluge #chaseblissmood #eaesending #reverb #delay #gsglive
Heavyocity Foundations Staccato Brass v1.0.0 KONTAKT [FREE]
#AAX #ADSR #ambient #AU #Brass #delay #free #fx #Game #Gate #Hardware #Heavyocity #HeavyocityFoundations #hybrid #Intel #Kontakt #layer #MacOS #music #NKS #OpenGL #Patterns #player #Presets #Punch #reverb #SoundDesign #space #textures #Update #VST #Windows #world
#aax #adsr #ambient #au #brass #delay #free #fx #game #gate #hardware #heavyocity #heavyocityfoundations #hybrid #intel #kontakt #layer #macOS #music #nks #opengl #patterns #player #presets #punch #reverb #sounddesign #space #textures #update #vst #windows #world
Eoin O’Dowd Layer Engine x64 VST3 AU WAV WiN MAC LiNUX [FREE]
#Analyser #AU #easy #EoinODowd #EQ #free #granular #l #layer #Linux #MacOS #reverb #Samples #Standalone #VST3 #wav #Windows #x64
#analyser #au #easy #eoinodowd #eq #free #granular #l #layer #linux #macOS #reverb #samples #standalone #vst3 #wav #windows #x64
Sonosaurus SonoBus v1.6.2 x64 x86 VST VST3 AU AAX STANDALONE WiN MAC [FREE]
#AAX #AU #DAW #easy #echo #Effects #EQ #feedback #free #Gate #IOS #Linux #MacOS #mind #Mix #Net #Network #NoiseGate #other #reverb #server #Simple #sonosaurus #Standalone #VST #VST3 #Windows #x64 #x86
#aax #au #daw #easy #Echo #effects #eq #feedback #free #gate #ios #linux #macOS #mind #mix #net #network #noisegate #other #reverb #server #simple #sonosaurus #standalone #vst #vst3 #windows #x64 #x86
Hz Box Chorus Plugin by Higher HZ[Windows,MacOS,VST,VST3,AAX,x64]
#AAX #chorus #effect #Effects #Emulation #guitar #HigherHz #MacOS #Mix #phaser #Presets #Resonance #reverb #Simple #Sparkle #Time #VST #VST3 #Windows #x64
#aax #chorus #effect #effects #emulation #guitar #higherhz #macOS #mix #phaser #presets #resonance #reverb #simple #sparkle #time #vst #vst3 #windows #x64
Turbo Paco Reverb chorus Plugin by ArtV
#ArtV #chorus #Clipper #Converter #delay #Dynamics #effect #free #FreeDownload #Gate #Hard #KVRChallenge #limited #Linux #reverb #Time #VST3 #Windows #x64
#artv #chorus #clipper #converter #delay #dynamics #effect #free #freedownload #gate #hard #kvrchallenge #limited #linux #reverb #time #vst3 #windows #x64
SFX 1 by slapassound[Windows,MacOS,VSTI,VSTI3,AU,x64] Free
#ADSR #AU #DAW #easy #effect #Effects #filter #free #fx #Library #MacOS #music #pan #Pitch #Random #reverb #Rompler #Samples #SFX #Simple #slapassound #VST #VSTI #VSTI3 #wav #Windows #x64
#adsr #au #daw #easy #effect #effects #Filter #free #fx #library #macOS #music #pan #pitch #random #reverb #rompler #samples #sfx #simple #slapassound #vst #vsti #vsti3 #wav #windows #x64
Full Bucket Music FB-3100 v1.2.1 x64 x86 VSTi VSTi3 CLAP AU WiN MAC [FREE]
#Arm #AU #CLAP #Classic #delay #Emulation #free #FullBucketMusic #Hardware #Intel #Korg #limited #lowpass #MacOS #MIDI #Modular #Modulation #music #Patch #polyphonic #reverb #semimodular #Synthesizer #Text #VST3 #VSTI #VSTI3 #Windows #x64 #x86
#arm #au #clap #classic #delay #emulation #free #fullbucketmusic #hardware #intel #korg #limited #lowpass #macOS #midi #modular #modulation #music #patch #polyphonic #reverb #semimodular #synthesizer #text #vst3 #vsti #vsti3 #windows #x64 #x86