Hi, is v.o.t.v. still cloudFlare? If so would you mind if we asked what amount of donations would be able to protect your service off cloudflare, possibly in a self host scenario?

We will gladly lobby any followers who might be in the UK to help you out. It is in *everyones* interest to push the off the web, forever.


Last updated 2 years ago

Tech News Worldwide · @TechNews
11300 followers · 97991 posts · Server aspiechattr.me
dispatch · @dispatch
472 followers · 2723 posts · Server ioc.exchange

@sim @drq @ZySoua
To be fair, they will hold onto the cloudare, amazon and akamai honeypots for as long as they possibly can. So the cyberattacks will likely affect everything under the sun but not point directly to the for the forseeable future.


Last updated 3 years ago

"We see you are spreading falseNarratives. Let us analyse who is reading your concoctions. What fabulous . If they believe it they are sure to buy this here we are also selling for $5.95. Postage is FREE."

~ something executives would probably say.

#gatewayContent #koolaid #amazon #Cloudfront #cdns #reverseProxies #cloudflare

Last updated 4 years ago

is a deterrent against future cartels like .

Here's a question: would you say that are a , there's only a few in the world, right?

How did and secure such dominant positions in that space? Real ingenuity or connections to power? Cloudflare seems to be a beneficiary of bailouts during the .

What to do with ? They must be owned by .

#prison #antitrust #CAGFAM #reverseProxies #naturalMonopoly #cloudflare #Cloudfront #wallstreet #gfc #naturalMonopolies #thePeople

Last updated 4 years ago