Instead of using #GonaCon, it must also implement a #FertilityControl program with #PZP that has a 35-year history of being #reversible and #safe even for pregnant #mares.
Although the Theodore Roosevelt #WildHorses are not protected under the 1971 #WildHorsesAndBurrosAct , they’re a significant part of the historical and natural #heritage of the park and the state. Equally important, they’re a huge tourism draw for #NorthDakota.
#northdakota #heritage #wildhorsesandburrosact #wildhorses #mares #safe #reversible #pzp #fertilitycontrol #gonacon
Who dat? I haven’t knit anything in YEARS, this was such fun.
(It was about to cycle back to dark green but I couldn’t wait & cast off soon after this.
#knit #ombre #yarn #color #change #self #striping #pearl #seed #moss #squares #traveling #rib #reversible #stitches #patterns #knitting #huge #bookmark
#knit #ombre #yarn #color #change #self #striping #pearl #seed #Moss #squares #traveling #rib #reversible #stitches #patterns #knitting #huge #bookmark
Some games come with #reversible cover art, here is a selection out of my collection 👇
Which games with reversible covers do you have? 🤔
Thrilled to read that both my submissions to #Reversible Computation 2023 (#RC 2023) and to the special issue of RC 2022 have been accepted (with revisions needed in the second case). Pre-prints and tool available from !
#Solar/Wind – #reversible Brennstoffzelle - #LOHC - #reversible Brennstoffzelle - #Wärme/#Mobilität
Dat geht nich nur in Äerkelenz sonnern auch in Auto für zu Hause, wennet inne Karagsche is mit nen Stecker und nen LOHC-Stutzen. Dat is dechnologieoffen. Wenne LKW hast, kannste auch Wohnblock kuschelich machen oder tankste nach mit Wohnblocksolar.
Abba opp dat dann fürde #FDP gut is, wenn der Markt anner vorbeirauscht.
#solar #reversible #LOHC #warme #fdp
I am currently looking for #PhD and #post-doc candidates to work with me in #Augusta (GA, USA) on formal methods for #concurrent #reversible programs. More info at #Academia #job
#phd #post #Augusta #concurrent #reversible #academia #job
One day, one decomposition
A007500: #Primes whose reversal in base 10 is also prime. Also called reversible primes
3D graph #threejs #webGL ➡️
2D graph, first 500 terms ➡️
#decompwlj #math #mathematics #sequence #OEIS #javascript #php #3D #numbers #reversible #primes #PrimeNumbers #graph
#graph #primenumbers #reversible #numbers #3d #php #javascript #oeis #sequence #mathematics #math #decompwlj #webgl #threejs #primes
I am very happy to report that my project "#Concurrency In #Reversible Computations" will be funded by the #NSF. More info at, a PhD and post-doctoral ad will follow.
Reversible(split)Time Bytes #experimentalmusic #timetraveler #animation #photography #stills #motiongraphics #mixedmedia #sounddesign #beats #jazz #funk #reversible #4walls
#4walls #reversible #funk #jazz #beats #sounddesign #mixedmedia #motiongraphics #stills #photography #animation #timetraveler #experimentalmusic
The call for paper for Reversible Computation 2023 is out! Cf. for a chance to visit Giessen (Germany) in July 🙃 #RC #reversible #computation #cfp
#rc #reversible #computation #cfp
Hello World!
I'm a Prof. of #ComputerScience at VRAIN/UPV (València, Spain), mainly working on (explainable, symbolic) artificial #intelligence #AI #XAI, (#probabilistic) #logic #programming, term #rewriting, #causality, #concurrency, programming #languages, #reversible computing, program #verification, and #debugging.
I plan to use this account mostly for scientific matters, but not only. I'm also quite interested in #photography, #sciencefiction, #travel, #movies, #series, etc, etc.
#computerscience #intelligence #ai #xai #probabilistic #logic #programming #rewriting #causality #concurrency #languages #reversible #verification #debugging #photography #sciencefiction #travel #movies #series
Here's another #reversible #knitting stitch. A small variation on 1x1 ribbing, which makes a pleasing scarf. There's a brief discussion of the two charts on my Tumblr.
Some experiments with #reversible knit/purl patterns. It’s interesting how much the one on the upper right dissolves into static; the design becomes very hard to see. #knitting #texture
#reversible #knitting #texture
#Reversible - Capable of being reversed; as, a chair or seat having a reversible back; a reversible judgment or sentence.
I love how this came out.
the first ones just: loving life. happy. probably half a brain cell.
the flip side: just 💢 PISSED.
#jellyfish #reversible #craft #yarn #crochet
I love how this came out.
the first ones just: loving life. happy. probably half a brain cell.
the flip side: just 💢 PISSED.
#jellyfish #reversible #craft #yarn #crochet