Review Recollection: 'The Midnight Meat Train' (2008) I'm a huge Clive Barker fan and I saw this film years ago when I was reading a bunch of his books. I love The Midnight Meat Train for being so faithful to the source material, but its reputation seems to imply that it's not so great. #TheMidnightMeatTrain #moviereview #ReviewRecollection #BradleyCooper #LeslieBibb #BrookeShields #VinnieJones #TedRaimi #RyuheiKitamura #CliveBarker #horror #movies #Lionsgate
#themidnightmeattrain #moviereview #reviewrecollection #bradleycooper #lesliebibb #brookeshields #vinniejones #tedraimi #ryuheikitamura #clivebarker #movies #lionsgate #horror
Review Recollection: 'The Machine Girl' (2008) I was a little disappointed with The Machine Girl when I first saw it, but it's awesome in its own ridiculous way. Noboru Iguchi is a guy who makes absurd cinema like no other. #TheMachineGirl #moviereview #ReviewRecollection #MinaseYashiro #AsamiMiyajima #NorikoKijima #Honoka #NoboruIguchi #action #shockfilm #gorefilm #splatterfilm #foreignfilm #Japanese #Movies #DVD #Bluray #TokyoShock
#themachinegirl #moviereview #reviewrecollection #minaseyashiro #asamimiyajima #norikokijima #honoka #noboruiguchi #action #shockfilm #gorefilm #splatterfilm #foreignfilm #japanese #movies #dvd #bluray #tokyoshock
Review Recollection: 'Lars and the Real Girl' (2007) Pretty sure this is the film that made me love Ryan Gosling as an actor. Over a decade after its release, Lars and the Real Girl is still way better than it has any right to be. #LarsandtheRealGirl #moviereview #ReviewRecollection #RyanGosling #EmilyMortimer #PaulSchneider #CraigGillespie #comedy #drama #Movies #DVD #Bluray #Streaming #MGM
#larsandtherealgirl #moviereview #reviewrecollection #ryangosling #emilymortimer #paulschneider #craiggillespie #comedy #drama #movies #dvd #bluray #streaming #mgm
Review Recollection: 'Harsh Times' (2005) While everyone is still arguing over whether Suicide Squad and Bright are good films or not, dive into his first directorial effort, "Harsh Times," and remember the time Christian Bale ruined turkey basters for everybody. #HarshTimes #moviereview #reviewrecollection #DavidAyer #ChristianBale #FreddyRodriguez #EvaLongoria #crime #movies #TheWeinsteinCompany
#theweinsteincompany #harshtimes #moviereview #reviewrecollection #davidayer #christianbale #freddyrodriguez #evalongoria #crime #movies
Review Recollection: 'Electric Dragon 80,000 V' (2001) I went through a lot of Tadanobu Asano's earlier works after seeing Ichi the Killer & Electric Dragon 80,000 V was one of those discoveries. It's massively loud, incredibly bizarre, and completely in your face, yet unlike anything else. #ElectricDragon80000V #moviereview #ReviewRecollection #TadanobuAsano #MasatoshiNagase #GakuryuIshii #action #fantasy #scifi #Japan #foreignfilm #movies #DiscotekMedia #UnearthedFilms
#electricdragon80000v #moviereview #reviewrecollection #tadanobuasano #masatoshinagase #gakuryuishii #action #fantasy #scifi #japan #foreignfilm #movies #discotekmedia #unearthedfilms
Review Recollection: 'Dance of the Dead' (2008) Ghost House Underground emerged in 2008 as an offering from Sam Raimi to provide a new and fresh look at horror. I only saw Dance of the Dead and hated it so much that I never bothered with the other seven films. From the writer of My Little Pony: The Movie... #DanceoftheDead #moviereview #ReviewRecollection #JaredKusnitz #LucasTill #horror #comedy #zombies #movies #DVD #GhostHouseUnderground
#danceofthedead #moviereview #reviewrecollection #jaredkusnitz #lucastill #horror #comedy #zombies #movies #dvd #ghosthouseunderground
Review Recollection - Batman: Gotham Knight (2008) Six stories. 76 minutes. Four production studios. Kevin Conroy as Batman. Batman: Gotham Knight is pretty impressive for something so short. #BatmanGothamKnight #moviereview #ReviewRecollection #Batman #Studio4C #ProuductionIG #BeeTrain #Madhouse #KevinConroy #DavidSGoyer #anime #animation #superherofilms #anthology #directtodvd #Movies #WarnerHomeVideo #DVD #bluray
#batmangothamknight #moviereview #reviewrecollection #batman #studio4c #prouductionig #beetrain #madhouse #kevinconroy #davidsgoyer #anime #animation #superherofilms #anthology #directtodvd #movies #warnerhomevideo #dvd #bluray
Review Recollection: 'Batman Begins' (2005) Before we relied on this film to be a lobotomy of sorts to rid ourselves of the monstrosity that is Batman v Superman out of our eyes, ears, and brains, Christopher Nolan's solid The Dark Knight Trilogy launched with Christian Bale in the titular role of Batman Begins. #BatmanBegins #moviereview #ReviewRecollection #ChristianBale #LiamNeeson #KatieHolmes #GaryOldman #CillianMurphy #ChristopherNolan #superherofilm #Movies
#batmanbegins #moviereview #reviewrecollection #christianbale #liamneeson #katieholmes #garyoldman #cillianmurphy #christophernolan #superherofilm #movies
Review Recollection: B.T.K. (2008) Lionsgate released a little movie straight to DVD in 2008 starring Kane Hodder as the B.T.K. killer. The film is unoriginally called, "B.T.K.," and it's written and directed by a guy who specializes in making barely watchable crap that goes straight to DVD or is made for TV. #BTK #moviereview #ReviewRecollection #KaneHodder #MichaelFeifer #horror #biography #crime #drama #serialkiller #Movies #DVD #Lionsgate
#btk #moviereview #reviewrecollection #kanehodder #michaelfeifer #horror #biography #crime #drama #serialkiller #movies #dvd #lionsgate
Review Recollection: Antibodies (2005) Review The Christian Alvart directed German thriller, "Antibodies," starring André Hennicke and Wotan Wilke Möhring with a lengthy cameo from Norman Reedus kind of blatantly rips off The Silence of the Lambs so much that it's accidentally pretty great because of it. #Antibodies #Antikorper #moviereview #AndreHennicke #NormanReedus #ChristianAlvart #crime #drama #thriller #foreignfilm #Germany #movies #reviewrecollection
#normanreedus #foreignfilm #germany #movies #reviewrecollection #antibodies #antikorper #moviereview #andrehennicke #christianalvart #crime #drama #thriller
Review Recollection - 'Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy' (2004) Another review that likely doesn't need much of an introduction. This is the prime rib when it comes to Will Ferrell comedies. Spontaneous buffoonery reigns supreme in Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy. #AnchormanTheLegendofRonBurgundy #Anchorman #RonBurgundy #moviereview #ReviewRecollection #WillFerrell #ChristinaApplegate #PaulRudd #SteveCarell #DavidKoechner #AdamMcKay #comedy #movies #DreamWorks
#anchormanthelegendofronburgundy #anchorman #ronburgundy #moviereview #reviewrecollection #willferrell #christinaapplegate #paulrudd #stevecarell #davidkoechner #adammckay #comedy #movies #dreamworks
Review Recollection: All the Boys Love Mandy Lane (2008) #AlltheBoysLoveMandyLane #moviereview #ReviewRecollection #AmberHeard #MichaelWelch #AnsonMount #LukeGrimes #JonathanLevine #horror #slasher #Movies #RADiUSTWC #AnchorBay
#anchorbay #moviereview #reviewrecollection #amberheard #michaelwelch #ansonmount #lukegrimes #jonathanlevine #horror #slasher #movies #radiustwc #alltheboyslovemandylane