lucas · @lucas
26 followers · 62 posts · Server

I haven't done much studying (or 'revising' if you're from the UK like me) in my life, and so I don't really have a great grasp on where to start.

Then there's also the fact that I have ADHD, I'm autistic, and I have various physical health things.

If anyone has any tips on how to study, or how to figure out how you as an individual study best, that would be very helpful!

I am trying to learn French and it's going okay but I want to step it up a bit

#adhd #autism #study #revise #learning

Last updated 1 year ago

JBRoss · @jbross
16 followers · 287 posts · Server

"If you don't like the Fruits you are growing, then change the Seeds you are sowing." — Ravi V. Melwani — — —

#ravivmelwani #quote #quotes #results #plans #actions #change #revise #behavior

Last updated 2 years ago

There's never been a more critical time to support our museum.

We're busier than ever, but can't get it done without more help. If you can, please consider backing us at for as little as US$1/month to help us:

our Physical Objects;
our Permanent Collection of ;
and our extensive Gallery Guide book!

#independent #digitize #reinstall #sounds #revise #collections #museum #museumwork #museumofportablesound #supportUs #independentmuseum

Last updated 2 years ago

RS, Author, Novelist · @sfwrtr
190 followers · 812 posts · Server

I should not be allowed near a computer, or more specifically near , before I do my morning stretches and exercise. Since the exercise includes an hour on the treadmill where I actually or , doubly so.

How do you manage this?

#mastodon #revise #write #fiction #writer #writing #author #authorsofmastodon #writingcommunity

Last updated 2 years ago

JBRoss · @jbross
12 followers · 205 posts · Server

"The stitch ripper is your friend. Be one with the stitch ripper." — Jeanette Watts — — —

#jeanettewatts #quote #quotes #mistake #error #correction #revise #change

Last updated 2 years ago

JBRoss · @jbross
11 followers · 176 posts · Server

"If you have put your foot in your mouth, it is probably not the time to try to dance." — R.M. Lynch — — —

#rmlynch #quote #quotes #error #mistake #revise #revision #timing #preparation

Last updated 2 years ago

RS, Author, Novelist · @sfwrtr
120 followers · 345 posts · Server

Here's some : Create a list of problem words that flag problems in your writing as you . Here's my list of and .

(Reply with yours! I'll add them. Boost to share with others.)

  • about
  • almost
  • “and” conjuction run-ons. Could you break that sentence into two and save the conjunction?
  • barely
  • begin
  • “but” conjunction run-ons. Could you break that sentence and two and still provide the same contrast?
  • can (in the sense of maybe)
  • certainly
  • generally
  • I/he saw that (If the act of observation is paramount, don’t remove, don't remove such constructions.)
  • I/he heard that
  • I/he read that
  • I/he felt that
  • I/he noticed that
  • I/he recognized that
  • just
  • kind of
  • maybe
  • mostly
  • near (in the sense of almost)
  • of course
  • one (in the sense of quantity when stating such is unnecessary)
  • one (as a pronoun—generally sounds bad)
  • perhaps
  • possibly
  • potentially (in the sense of maybe)
  • probably
  • really (the interject
  • some (in the sense of indeterminate)
  • sort of
  • start, started to
  • still
  • that (a latinate construction that can often be omitted when used to introduce a subordinate clause, but not always. Comprehension is paramount.)
  • usually
  • you can (verb)

My biggest bugaboos are words that soften (hedge) the impact of a sentence or keep the narrator from (weaselly) committing to action. Both kill effective narration, as the narrator knows all tells what's necessary. Careful, though. Such word mimic normal speech, as between subordinate and dominant people and in cautious conversation.

When you find these words, stop and examine the context of the word.

  • Does the word serve a purpose? If not, delete. I suggest removing it provisionally; this makes it clear.
  • Can a strong word substitute? If, substitute.
  • Is something lost if the word, phrase, or sentence is removed? If not, delete.
  • Will recasting the sentence clarify or strength the it?

A good list should transform your prose, turning hesitancy to decisive action. Deleting these words removes verbiage, making your writing concise and hard edged. Each and every word must serve a purpose, whether functional or aesthetic.

#writingadvice #revise #hedgewords #weaselwords #boostingissharing #amrevising #writing #fiction #writinglife

Last updated 2 years ago

Rebecca Snow Hare ΘΔ · @NiveusLepus
47 followers · 140 posts · Server

I threw out about 60k words last week in my current novel and dropped back to chapter three.

Since then, I've been writing two chapters a day.

Today is supposed to be my no writing day, still wrote a chapter.

I learned this lesson in 2016. Don't be afraid to start over, don't be afraid to cut if its not working.

The muse has a method to her madness.

#revise #courage #novelist #novel #amwriting #writer

Last updated 2 years ago

Fast Past Papers · @fastpastpapers
0 followers · 2 posts · Server
Fast Past Papers · @fastpastpapers
0 followers · 2 posts · Server
Lisa Bubert · @Lisabubert
115 followers · 77 posts · Server

I love getting paid to but I also love having a that allows me to my for the third year running…

…also good to have an who’s happy to let you take your time 🥴

#agent #novel #revise #dayjob #write

Last updated 2 years ago

Vic · @vic
197 followers · 505 posts · Server

This week, I'm on:

- Small fixes to over 70 learning interactives
- Trying to figure out a good way to help students organic chemistry digitally
- Resizing and converting images and videos for a migration of a course
- a text on religion and violence
- about strong in learning
- Improving my "early vertical elbow" when , without renewing any back injuries.


#thursdaythoughts #thursday #swimming #habits #inquiry #Writing #editing #learning #revise #working

Last updated 2 years ago

Vic · @vic
319 followers · 651 posts · Server

This week, I'm on:

- Small fixes to over 70 learning interactives
- Trying to figure out a good way to help students organic chemistry digitally
- Resizing and converting images and videos for a migration of a course
- a text on religion and violence
- about strong in learning
- Improving my "early vertical elbow" when , without renewing any back injuries.


#thursdaythoughts #thursday #swimming #habits #inquiry #Writing #editing #learning #revise #working

Last updated 2 years ago