#Cherokee #language #revitalization center
#cherokee #language #revitalization
(2/x) Short experiment : For livonian in OSM, we have only 16 nodes with a name:liv=* tag + a few buildings (see picture). This should be improved with the help of the fantastic work done by the #livonian institute. (
Language activists could also proudly contribute to translations. For that, we need to broaden the OSM-community.
A huge work is already being done for humanitarian purposes. What about working with OSM for language #revitalization ?
#YouthinJiangsu As China's #rural #revitalization advances, #young Chinese people are choosing to start their #businesses in the #countryside.
They have also been playing an important role in promoting #modern agriculture and bringing new vitality to rural economic development.
#youthinjiangsu #rural #revitalization #young #businesses #countryside #modern
What #Indigenous #language #revitalization looks like in northern Ontario
Anishinaabemowin speakers, teachers and learners find ways to keep language alive.
#indigenous #language #revitalization
Con gusto les comparto que estamos lanzando la versión beta del primer (no) Wordle en zoque ayapaneco 🥳🥳🥳🎉
Por acá ya se puede comenzar a probar
#languagereclamation #revitalization #endangeredlanguages
About the #revitalization of #Skolt #Saami, an #indigenous #language in Finland: With support from the Finnish Cultural Foundation, the use of Skolt Saami in school can be expanded. The results of preschool immersion and education projects are already visible. "A few years ago, one could only speak Skolt Saami with older people, but now there are children who are fluent speakers."
#revitalization #skolt #saami #indigenous #language
Last workshop of ‘Amis/Pangcah teaching tips and tools for Pangcah language promoting teachers in 2022.
Next year, we will design and produce a game board about language deprivation and exploitation for lang teachers to establishing the concept of why we need to learn Pangcah and why we have lang promoting teachers at home.
#創用cc CC BY-SA
#Taiwan #indigenous #Amis #Pangcah #language #gameboard #YPSPT #revitalization #阿美語
#創用cc #taiwan #indigenous #amis #pangcah #language #gameboard #YPSPT #revitalization #阿美語
I'm extremely pleased—and relieved—to say that Rowinataworu Luhchi Yoroni (The Tunica Language Textbook) will be published in May 2023.
It's the culmination of years of work for the Tunica Language Working Group, a group of language workers from Tulane, the Tunica-Biloxi tribe, and elsewhere.
I foolishly took on the task of typesetting the entire book, on my own, in LaTeX, but I've made it to the other side!
This story fills me with so much hope.
#language #revitalization #nativeamericanheritagemonth
Hi All. I'm a lifelong Pittsburgher with 2 adopted Chihuahua mixes, Luna & Costello, whom I adore. I enjoy playing #boardgames; #cycling; #running; #coffee; #cinema (I used to own an indie DVD rental shop) & #reading 18-19th century Russian lit & about the #AmericanRevolution, #philosophy, #neuroscience, #learning, #meditation, #Buddhism, #politics, #history.
I care & read about as well as advocate for #AffordableHousing, #Voting, #AgeFriendly & #Revitalization of my community.
#revitalization #agefriendly #voting #affordablehousing #history #politics #buddhism #meditation #learning #neuroscience #philosophy #americanrevolution #reading #cinema #coffee #running #cycling #boardgames #introduction
For all those involved in #urbanplanning
RT @EconomyUrban: 🔹An online exhibition of the Regent Park social development plan and history of revitalization is available on the Virtual Pavilion
This is a unique #revitalization project in Toronto, combining a physical redevelopment with a Social Development Plan
#urbanplanning #revitalization
Wow, lots of cool work being done. Another #revitalization #renewal project worth learning from, this time in Spain. (Once again, @richdecibels plays a role.)
#guerillatranslation #opencooperativism #renewal #revitalization
Great description of the Seven Points for Organizational Renewal developed by @richdecibels and comrades at #Enspiral. Please take time to read it. I am particularly interested in Point 2 Systematically Distribute Care Labor, and would like to see us organize this type of activity here on #Social.Coop, through a member-to-member network.
#renewal #revitalization #social #enspiral