What? A 1976 make-up advert with music by 10cc at the peak of their powers?
Well yes, actually! Here's a wonderful tape we baked and mixed in 2020, never previously heard outside #StrawberryStudios. Simply lovely. Though never aired (rejected by #Revlon?), you'll see 30 seconds from the end here that the music matches perfectly with the released film!
#strawberrystudios #revlon #10cc #TapeBaking #1970smusic #analoguetechnology
Revlon, gigante dei cosmetici, in “chapter 11”. Debiti totali per 3,7 miliardi $ - Il Sole 24 ORE #revlon #gigante #cosmetici #chapter #debiti #totali #sole #18giugno https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuaWxzb2xlMjRvcmUuY29tL2FydC9yZXZsb24tZ2lnYW50ZS1jb3NtZXRpY2ktY2hhcHRlci0xMS1kZWJpdGktdG90YWxpLTM3LW1pbGlhcmRpLSQtQUVZYjlJZ0I=
#18giugno #sole #totali #debiti #chapter #cosmetici #gigante #revlon
Revlon, gigante dei cosmetici, in “chapter 11”. Debiti totali per 3,7 miliardi $ - Il Sole 24 ORE #revlon #gigante #cosmetici #chapter #debiti #totali #sole #17giugno https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuaWxzb2xlMjRvcmUuY29tL2FydC9yZXZsb24tZ2lnYW50ZS1jb3NtZXRpY2ktY2hhcHRlci0xMS1kZWJpdGktdG90YWxpLTM3LW1pbGlhcmRpLSQtQUVZYjlJZ0I=
#17giugno #sole #totali #debiti #chapter #cosmetici #gigante #revlon