Before I go to marktplaats, anyone in/around #Amsterdam interested in buying my #prusa #mk3s+? I’ve upgraded to a MK4. Why buy this one rather than directly from Prusa? 1) I built it from a kit so you know it’s good 2) I installed an #e3d #revo hotend so you can easily switch out your nozzle without a wrench. I’ve even updated the firmware to the current version which supports the revo. #3dprinting
#amsterdam #prusa #mk3s #e3d #revo #3dprinting
Final bit of repairs and upgrades done to the #prusa mini after the #revo melted a lot of the printed parts. Took the opportunity to redesign the x carriage parts to use heat set inserts, went together beautifully and I'm feeling more confident using them for the #voron build.
Nice to have the little thing chugging along again.
#3dprinting #voron #revo #prusa
After I don't know how long of trying to fix the #prusa mini on a whim I replaced the wiring for the #revo hotend completely, it's about halfway through my first layer test without error, there was a little smoke when loading th filament but no popping and it's never got so far since the calamity.
After all this it might have just been a crimp gone bad.
I did test the wires but I guess the extra pressure from the mutlitool could have hidden any bad crimp effects.
This is a long tail of failure #3dprinting, I'm sorry.
#Prusa mini+ with #revo working great, then after days of printing ASA #voron parts it fails, bad layers, underexrusion, the works.
Took extruder, hotend & tubing apart and cleaned and checked, no change then noticed smoke from nozzle, tried new nozzle and filament, no change, contacted E3d who sent new heatercore, no change.
Now both thermistors report stable temps but I think the mini board might be lying, is that possible?
#voron #revo #prusa #3dprinting
BRAVELY DEFAULT II Original Soundtrack(初回生産限定盤)(特典なし)
3 days of troubleshooting and I've sussed it out, the #revo heater core's failed, it's telling me the temps are fine they are actually a good ~40 degrees higher than stated which explains the nozzle smoke and the awful first layers I've been battling.
I wish I'd bought a thermal camera years ago.
So my mini is now out of action which means I can't finish my #voron parts, going to have to reach out to the #printitforward folks to get my new machine built. #3dprinting #buildlog
#BuildLog #3dprinting #printitforward #voron #revo
I've been putting off getting my next #3dprinter for a while now and with each passing day of poor communication and just the general feeling from #prusa that they are moving away from being a properly open source company I'm leaning more and more into just building a #voron trident instead of getting a #mk4. Tap looks like it works every bit as good as prusa's load cell and a #revo high flow hotend will be great.
I do admit to being a bit worried taking on that large a project though.
#revo #mk4 #voron #prusa #3dprinter
La bataille n’est pas finie!
Die Intersyndicale ruft für heute zum nächsten großen landesweiten Streik #GrèveGenerale gegen die #ReformeDesRetraites in #Frankreich auf. Jetzt ist es an der Zeit, alles zu geben und den #Streik zu verschärfen und zu radikalisieren. #greve23mars
RT @ActuMonde_
🇨🇵🚨 Blocage de la voie rapide à Chambéry.
👉 Des dizaines d'axes routiers sont bloqués à travers la France.
#greve23mars #Manifestation #Revo…
#grevegenerale #reformedesretraites #frankreich #streik #greve23mars #manifestation #revo
BRAVELY DEFAULT II Original Soundtrack(通常盤)(特典なし)
川村真洋さまの二の腕引き締めトレーニング@hu- ReVo
#Nogizaka46 #ReVo #Vlog #乃木坂46 #川村真洋 #川村真洋さまの二の腕引き締めトレーニングhu
#nogizaka46 #revo #川村真洋 #川村真洋さまの二の腕引き締めトレーニングhu #vlog #乃木坂46
RT @Rueckrufportal
#RÜCKRUF | #WARNUNG | Etikettierungsfehler während des Verpackungsprozesses: #ALLERGEN #Weizen auf 'TUNA SPREAD' (= veganer #Aufstrich) von #REVO FOODS nicht ausgelobt > Gefahr für Weizenallergiker (PDF)
Weitere aktuelle Meldungen:
#revo #aufstrich #weizen #allergen #warnung #ruckruf
#RÜCKRUF | #WARNUNG | Etikettierungsfehler während des Verpackungsprozesses: #ALLERGEN #Weizen auf 'TUNA SPREAD' (= veganer #Aufstrich) von #REVO FOODS nicht ausgelobt > Gefahr für Weizenallergiker (PDF)
Weitere aktuelle Meldungen:
#ruckruf #warnung #allergen #weizen #aufstrich #revo
RT @MCHRISP1: After 60 hours of printing, I could not be happier with how this came out! .12 layers levels made this a loooong print! #BordeauxTheOctopus from @cults3d Printed on my @Prusa3D MK3S with @E3DOnline #Revo hot end!
If you have a #Revo #SuperConnect, I've been hacking up a little app to control it from your phone. Very unfinished but wanted to share sooner than later. You'll have to nail in your own IP till I read "How to make non terrible preference panes" :)
Cannot believe the really bad luck I’m having with #E3DOnline #REVO system. One printer has just had the third replacement heater core fail since purchase in Feb, another printer is on its second replacement since March. They send new one FOC but it’s bloody ridiculous how flaky this system is. Strongly considering junking it all - not bid use times either ≈ 100hrs max sometimes a lot less.
Laval VirtualのWebサイト更新された!
#LavalVirtual #ReVo
First print since installing the #e3d #revo on my #PrusaMini ! Wish me luck! #3dprinting
#e3d #revo #prusamini #3dprinting