lets fuckin gooooooooooooooo happy birthday nanami kiryuu
#revolutionarygirlutena #anime
hiii im a yuri girl who likes video games, visual novels, and anime/manga.
some media i love!! (in no particular order)
#yuri in general lol
#portal #portal2
#pmmm #zeroescape #tsukihime #deltarune #flipflappers #aithesomniumfiles #yuriespoir #bocchitherock #revolutionarygirlutena #yuri #chainsawman #portal #portal2
hiii im a yuri girl who likes video games, visual novels, and anime/manga.
some media i love!! (in no particular order)
#yuri in general lol
#pmmm #zeroescape #tsukihime #deltarune #flipflappers #aithesomniumfiles #yuriespoir #bocchitherock #revolutionarygirlutena #yuri #chainsawman
"continental breakfast" - pregnancy/abortion-themed nanami fanart for @DuelCast
Kotaku: 10 Best Well-Written Queer Anime Characters https://kotaku.com/best-queer-gay-anime-gundam-sailor-moon-hunter-x-hunter-1850582981 #gaming #tech #kotaku #mobilesuitgundamthewitchfrommercury #revolutionarygirlutena #japanesewritingsystem #kuranosukekoibuchi #mobilesuitgundam #tsukimikurashita #isabellayamamoto #yukarihayasaka #jellyfishwhat #sailorneptune #allukazoldyck #anthyhimemiya #mikaegashira #sousukeshima #hunterhunter #sailoruranus #momoesawaki #toukonanami #jojikoizumi #sailormoon
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #mobilesuitgundamthewitchfrommercury #revolutionarygirlutena #japanesewritingsystem #kuranosukekoibuchi #mobilesuitgundam #tsukimikurashita #isabellayamamoto #yukarihayasaka #jellyfishwhat #sailorneptune #allukazoldyck #anthyhimemiya #mikaegashira #sousukeshima #hunterhunter #sailoruranus #momoesawaki #toukonanami #jojikoizumi #sailormoon
Absolute! Destiny! Sexy hung shota!
Tsuwabuki is getting the help of an upperclasman so he can finally become a man worthy of Nanami! It is doubtful he'll still want her by the time he's done tho...
I love Tsuwabuki, and I hope you all love him to ❤️
#shota #hungshota #shotatop #shotadom #shotacon #erection #boner #nsfw #fanart #utena #tsuwabuki #revolutionarygirlutena #hugeshotacock
#shota #hungshota #shotatop #shotadom #shotacon #erection #boner #nsfw #fanart #utena #tsuwabuki #revolutionarygirlutena #hugeshotacock
Our second design is for the #RevolutionaryGirlUtena, #RoseofVersailles, and Princess Knight fans of the world!
#roseofversailles #revolutionarygirlutena
Tribute to the Voice of Utena: Tomoko Kawakami https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1692703/voice-actress/
#kawakami #revolutionarygirlutena #rgu #sku #Tomoko #tomokokawakami #TRIBUTE #UTENA #Vlog #voice #voiceactress #声優 #女性声優 #川上とも子
#kawakami #revolutionarygirlutena #rgu #sku #tomoko #tomokokawakami #tribute #utena #vlog #voice #voiceactress #声優 #女性声優 #川上とも子
The LezWatch.TV show of the day is "Revolutionary Girl Utena," with 5 characters and a show score of 64.00 #LWTVsotd #RevolutionaryGirlUtena - https://lezwatchtv.com/show/revolutionary-girl-utena/
#lwtvsotd #revolutionarygirlutena
Another #RevolutionaryGirlUtena study. The more I grab frames to look at and study the more I appreciate the tv show and movie.
#detectiveconanthe14thtarget #mutantturtles #revolutionarygirlutena #hikoninsentaiakibaranger #staroceanex #thehighschoolheroes #magicknightrayearth #playlist #OwnCast
Hey, @thetangles - great idea to use #manga for an #Introduction post! Here are my picks:
#RevolutionaryGirlUtena - #TheAdolescenceOfUtena
Nice to meet you!
#manga #introduction #kashimashi #neongenesisevangelion #revolutionarygirlutena #theadolescenceofutena #trainmanashojomanga #rosarionovampire
One last fun trip down nostalgia lane -- this time something relatively recent compared to the other two videos. Absolutely one of my favorite openings for an animated series.
#RevolutionaryGirlUtena #Anime #Surrealism #Allegory #Symbolism #Queer #1990s #FridayFlashback #Shoujo
#revolutionarygirlutena #anime #surrealism #allegory #symbolism #queer #1990s #fridayflashback #shoujo
Final episode of #RevolutionaryGirlUtena (Until the movie) - Someday, Together, We'll Shine
This is it folks. We finally learn what this revolution is all about.
One of our long-time club members was artistically prolific, especially when we were on-campus and had whiteboards to draw on. Here's one of his cartoons from November 21, 2008. #RevolutionaryGirlUtena #anime #PinkyAndTheBrain
#revolutionarygirlutena #anime #pinkyandthebrain
RT @Nolviniart@twitter.com
some fast magical girlies ✨
#cardcaptorsakura #revolutionarygirlutena #princesstutu #madokamagica
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Nolviniart/status/1606463390423126017
#cardcaptorsakura #revolutionarygirlutena #princesstutu #madokamagica
Last Boost: when Discotek announced the license for Dear Brother, they made clear the license was VERY limited. If you think you might ever want this #anime series that was clearly a major influence on shows like #RevolutionaryGirlUtena the time to buy it is right now.
#anime #revolutionarygirlutena
I'm wondering how well #RevolutionaryGirlUtena would stand up to a rewatch.