The #EddieTrunk Podcast - Interviews with #PhilLewis & #RevolutionSaints:
#TalkIsJericho Podcast with #ChrisJericho - 48 Reviews Of 72 Seasons – #Metallica’s New Album Dissected:
#TheWitchingHour Podcast with #PattiNegri - #TheDevilsAcademy & #RobertTheDoll with #BillSlevin:
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#billslevin #robertthedoll #thedevilsacademy #pattinegri #theWitchingHour #metallica #chrisjericho #talkisjericho #revolutionsaints #phillewis #eddietrunk
Album Review: Revolution Saints – Eagle Flight
I re-read a review I wrote in 2017 of Light in the Dark, the second album by Revolution Saints before starting my listening of their latest album. It wasn’t the most glowing piece I’ve ever written. Back in 2017 Deen Castronovo, who is the main vehicle for this project was emerging from a dark place, a
#revolutionsaints #AlbumReviews
Revolution Saints – Eagle Flight