Mir scheint dieser Ausgang wie so eine Drehtür, bei der die meisten den Moment verpassen und wieder am selben Ort reinkommen, wo sie rausgingen. #revolvingdoors
#revolvingdoors should be prohibited. Conflict of interest is a lethal poison for democracy.
<div class="rsshub-quote">
Dr. Eli David: It's just a coincidence that all FDA commissioners end up in senior positions in big pharma. Pure coincidence. Nothing to see here.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ladyonorato/status/1689407309905104896
Re @GeoffroyDidier @franceinfo @FortuneMagazine 5/5 Et enfin @BernardBenhamou rappelle très a propos que ce conncubinage avait été accusé d’être la cause du retard de regulation des Big Tech aux USA.
Je vis cettte nomination comme une gifle.
<div class="rsshub-quote">
Bernard Benhamou: À ceux qui évoquent les compétences antitrust de Fiona S. Morton "utiles" à l'🇪🇺(comme @JeanTirole) rappelons que les #RevolvingDoors entre cabinet Obama et Google ont aussi été évoquées (aux🇺🇸) pour expliquer le retard sur la régulation des Big
https://money.cnn.com/2009/10/21/technology/obama_google.fortune/ https://t.co/9OcXTSSwGG
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/JeanMarieCAVADA/status/1680166123050881026
From Gary Ruskin
Food & agrichemical industry front group International Food Information Council (IFIC) has a new CEO, Wendy Reinhardt Kapsak.
She is a former #Monsanto staffer, and was Monsanto’s Global Lead for Food, Nutrition and Health Partnerships.
#foodsovereignty #foodsecurity #revolvingdoors
#monsanto #foodsovereignty #foodsecurity #revolvingdoors
📢 We have just published our Annual Report 2022!
The largest percentage of complaints were about #transparency and accountability (32%), incl #accesstodocuments
Other key inquiry topics:
#Transparency #accesstodocuments #revolvingdoors #FundamentalRights #ethics #EUFunds #EUCareers
“Judit Baumholczer was a policy advisor to MEP Miriam Dalli and claims that she played a ‘central role’ in drafting the position of the Social Democratic group with regard to the European Green Deal and ‘higher’ climate ambitions for 2030.
A year after leaving the Parliament, Baumholczer became a lobbyist for Shell.” #revolvingdoors
So much to deal with following this article:
👉Real enforcement of current EP rules
👉Much tougher rules for MEPs including on #revolvingdoors
👉Corporate influence in EP incl. Big Tech and Climate Polluters
RT @peterteffer
NEW @FTM_eu INVESTIGATION - From Huawei to Shell: corporate lobbies unimpededly recruit former EU Parliament staff
In ten years, 166 former MEP assistants began working as lobbyists within two years of leaving t…
Important new article by @FTM_nl and @peterteffer on the #revolvingdoors of EP assistants.
It uses #LobbyFacts data with @parltrack data to compile evidence for article.
Check out https://www.lobbyfacts.eu/
RT @FTM_eu
Former assistants of Members of the European Parliament have free rein to lobby on legislation they were involved with. Although the European Parliament can impose a temporary lobbying ban on them, it rarely does so. h…
RT @olivierhoedeman
Such an important session in @Europarl_EN this afternoon, on how to protect EU law-making against #tobacco industry interference 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
Focus on #revolvingdoors, delayed EU tobacco legislation and @EU_Commission's failure to implement UN treaty obligations re tobacco #lobbyists
#lobbyists #revolvingdoors #tobacco
🤔New media adviser in Envi Cssr's cabinet comes straight from lobbygroup EuropaBio. #RevolvingDoors
🚩Problematic as many issues on table DG Envi - including new GMOs, bioeconomy - are big topics for EuropaBio members.
👉CEO and Testbiotech's letter:
#EU #BigTech #Lobbying #RevolvingDoors: "Big Tech might be the EU's biggest lobby spender by sector, but a little-known band of economic consultancies are still managing to fly under the radar on behalf of their tech clients. These consultancies are effectively 'spamming the regulator' with supposedly neutral reports to influence the EU's competition policy and smooth the path for Big Tech monopolies and mergers. What's worse, the Commission's DG Competition in charge of competition policy enjoys a regular revolving door with these consultancies."
#eu #bigtech #lobbying #revolvingdoors
Following our broad #revolvingdoors inquiry, Ombudsman O’Reilly stressed that “Without a more robust approach to the movement of staff to the private sector, @EU_Commission@twitter.com risks undermining the integrity of the EU administration.”
A #UK government #energy mandarin has stepped down from his paid role chairing BP Europe’s board after openDemocracy revealed concerns over a potential conflict of interest.
Peter Mather was appointed to the government’s BEIS board despite being paid to chair a BP shareholders’ group.
#revolvingdoors #uknews #ukpolitics #news #Europe #BP
#uk #energy #revolvingdoors #uknews #ukpolitics #News #europe #bp
In 2022, we welcomed that @EUDefenceAgency@twitter.com accepted our recommendations on how it handled its former Chief Executive's move to @AirbusDefence@twitter.com. Our Decision sets out when, in the public interest, to forbid an intended new job.
MEPS voted in favour of our proposal to introduce a cooling-off period for former MEPs to avoid the negative effects of the so-called phenomenon of #RevolvingDoors
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/GreensEFA/status/1603364548563591169
#revolvingdoors #QatarGate #Corruption
RT @GreensEFA: MEPS voted in favour of our proposal to introduce a cooling-off period for former MEPs to avoid the negative effects of the so-called phenomenon of #RevolvingDoors
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ernesturtasun/status/1603369088281092097
#revolvingdoors #QatarGate #Corruption
RT @GreensEFA: MEPS voted in favour of our proposal to introduce a cooling-off period for former MEPs to avoid the negative effects of the so-called phenomenon of #RevolvingDoors
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/daniel_freund/status/1603367107793649672
#revolvingdoors #QatarGate #Corruption
RT @GreensEFA: MEPS voted in favour of our proposal to introduce a cooling-off period for former MEPs to avoid the negative effects of the so-called phenomenon of #RevolvingDoors
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ph_lamberts/status/1603365112349396994
#revolvingdoors #QatarGate #Corruption
RT @GreensEFA@twitter.com
MEPS voted in favour of our proposal to introduce a cooling-off period for former MEPs to avoid the negative effects of the so-called phenomenon of #RevolvingDoors
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/GreensEFA/status/1603364548563591169
#revolvingdoors #qatargate #corruption
This is a public service announcement for EU parliamentarians and commissioners.
Remember folks:
❌ Cash bribes
✅ Lobbying
✅ Revolving doors
Rule of thumb: old-school corruption BAD, institutional corruption GOOD.
#institutionalCorruption #eu #parliament #commission #lobbying #revolvingDoors #corporateCapture
#corporatecapture #revolvingdoors #lobbying #commission #parliament #eu #institutionalcorruption