#AllStarTrek At least one romance tonight isn't doomed!
#StarTrek #StarTrekVoyager #Revulsion
#revulsion #startrekvoyager #startrek #AllStarTrek
#AllStarTrek Even with a perforated ventricle, B'Elanna is such a badass.👍
#StarTrek #StarTrekVoyager #Revulsion
#revulsion #startrekvoyager #startrek #AllStarTrek
"Don't be alarmed—I won't hurt you."
#AllStarTrek #startrekvoy #VOY #revulsion
#AllStarTrek Couple of doomed crushes tonight
#StarTrek #StarTrekVoyager #Revulsion
#charliex #revulsion #startrekvoyager #startrek #AllStarTrek
"There's a woman in there, if only you would look." —Kim
Uh, dude, I think *everyone's* been looking.
#AllStarTrek #startrekvoy #VOY #revulsion
This hologram has issues.
#AllStarTrek #startrekvoy #VOY #revulsion
#AllStarTrek Uh oh. Guys, we got another smiler here that looks like he's up to something. Guys?
#StarTrek #StarTrekVoyager #Revulsion
#revulsion #startrekvoyager #startrek #AllStarTrek
i find i am unsubscribing from all the political-figure mailing lists my #ActBlue-ing over the years has put me on.
i'm not sure whether this is the right thing or the wrong thing to do. it is an act of sheer #revulsion.
It was like watching someone else do it, but sure enough my own thumb pressed down into the eye of my assailant. The eyeball compressed, bulged, and with a wet pop was no more. No more than an empty, bloody sack. And still I pushed.
I looked on in #revulsion how my nail caught on a piece of bone, tearing the nail loose from its bed. A searing howl ripped the air, ended in a panting gurgle. And still I pushed, until something cracked and all was silent.
#gore #horror #sffh #horror365 #revulsion
@emptyjamjar You sure my mother is not there making you eat it all up? #revulsion