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#sundayvibes #technique #webcomics #webcomicchat #comicbookhour #comics #NKVSSP #appreciate #Love #notes #repetition #neurons #rewire #sundaycomics #sundayMorning #sundaybrunch #Neuroplasticity #youcandoit #change #vibecheck
#sundayvibes #technique #webcomics #webcomicchat #comicbookhour #comics #nkvssp #appreciate #love #notes #repetition #neurons #rewire #sundaycomics #sundaymorning #sundaybrunch #neuroplasticity #youcandoit #change #vibecheck
d-lusion DAS v0.90B EXE Windows [FREE][Standalone,x86]
#Amp #dlusion #Digital #exe #Export #free #Machines #MIDI #mp3 #music #rewire #server #Standalone #Vintage #Windows #x86
#amp #dlusion #digital #exe #export #free #machines #midi #mp3 #music #rewire #server #standalone #vintage #windows #x86
Het hoogtepunt gisteravond in de show van Soundwalk Collective & Patti Smith was dat er beelden van wolven werd vertoond en iemand met een pikhouweel op een groot ijsblok ging tikken. #rewire
Closing Time | ABADIR #Cultuur&Media #ABADIR #Rewire
I personally don’t feel like getting too #political on here, but I can’t deny the #schadenfreude I have knowing the republicans have no one but themselves to blame for their Speaker failure. Time to #rewire that shit, kids.
#rewire #schadenfreude #political
RT @rita_rebollo
Happy to present our #REWIRE project, a collab with @TreepVieira & Christine Gaspin, with @Cosmicomica @MGFerrarini , Agnès Vallier, Severine Balmand and Claire Hoede!
Instant confidence?
Comment your thoughts below and visit us at for info about building true confidence.
#confidence #selfesteem #selftransformation #confidenceboost
#mentalhealth #buildselfesteem #rewire #orlandoowen #feeldifferent
#FEELDIFFERENT #orlandoowen #rewire #buildselfesteem #mentalhealth #confidenceboost #selftransformation #selfesteem #confidence
Hit back harder with #feeldifferent
Learn more at
#selfimprovement #selfrespect #confidence #selfesteem #rewire #innerself #anxiety #keepgoing #depression #mentalhealth #FEELDIFFERENT
When you are facing your life and all of the circumstances that come with it, and saying: Yes, I am here. This is me. I accept this life as mine – all of it. And I am willing to do the work to make it my best.
This is accountability. This is your power.
Explore more at
#selfrespect #lifespurpose #rewire #mentalhealth #innerself #selfesteem #confidence #orlandoowen #FEELDIFFERENT
#FEELDIFFERENT #orlandoowen #confidence #selfesteem #innerself #mentalhealth #rewire #lifespurpose #selfrespect
There's never a wrong time to turn it around and make changes to your routine. In most cases, a few updates to your daily habits can make for real life transformation. The hard part is identifying and switching out the bad habits with the good. As simple as it may sound, many of us get "stuck" in life situations due to a series of unhealthy habits - emotional habits, thought habits, relationship habits, etc.
This is something we assess in our new program "Your Fate is not Sealed."
Learn more at
#lifechange #transformational #rewire #habits #healthyhabit #changeyourthoughts #changeyourlife #mentalhealthsupport #selfesteem #feeldifferent
#FEELDIFFERENT #selfesteem #mentalhealthsupport #changeyourlife #changeyourthoughts #healthyhabit #habits #rewire #transformational #lifechange
It starts on the inside.
The level of respect and love you give yourself is the level you are able to give your life and anyone around you.
Are you ready to level up?
Join our community program and learn the fundamentals of rewiring your inner self. Through this, you'll learn everyday methods to:
Build confidence
Nourish a healthy self esteem
Eliminate daily distractions and doubts
Strengthen your core connection to your life's purpose
Learn more at
#confidence #selfesteem #selfrespect
#selflove #innerself #confidencelevel #rewire #lifespurpose #orlandoowen #feeldifferent
#FEELDIFFERENT #orlandoowen #lifespurpose #rewire #confidencelevel #innerself #selflove #selfrespect #selfesteem #confidence
How you act, how you react, how you navigate through life and the choices you make all depend on how much or how little you allow your inner critic to dominate your mind.
Rewiring your inner dialogue to transform your inner critic from a destructive nuisance into a constructive advisor is crucial to making real changes in your life. As a result, the health levels of your self esteem and confidence will become undeniably evolved.
So how do you do it?
Visit us at
#lifechanges #innerdialogue #innercritic
#mentalhealthtips #rewire #reclaim
#selfesteem #innerself #selfconfidence
#orlandoowen #feeldifferent
#FEELDIFFERENT #orlandoowen #selfconfidence #innerself #selfesteem #Reclaim #rewire #MentalHealthTips #innercritic #innerdialogue #lifechanges
Battling depression? Anxiety? Feelings of emptiness? Disconnect?
We have solutions. Learn more at
#depression #mentalhealth #innercritic #rewire #reclaim #selfesteem #selfworth #innerself #orlandoowen #feeldifferent
#FEELDIFFERENT #orlandoowen #innerself #selfworth #selfesteem #Reclaim #rewire #innercritic #mentalhealth #depression
The majority of us default to negative thinking.
It’s normalized in our culture to the point of being considered human nature. It’s common for us to see someone who’s being blatantly positive and assume that they’re being fake, putting on an act, or just in plain denial.
So what does this mean? Are we doomed for life? Is our fate sealed into negativity or can we turn it around?
We say NO.
At #FeelDifferent we have built out a program of practical everyday tools you need in order to rewire and start checking your mind from the inside out.
Learn more about this at
#rewire #negativethinking #updateyourlife #selfesteem #selfempowerment
#beconfident #selfworth #selfrespect #orlandoowen
#orlandoowen #selfrespect #selfworth #beconfident #selfempowerment #selfesteem #updateyourlife #negativethinking #rewire #FEELDIFFERENT
At #FeelDifferent we’ve helped thousands of men and women with a proven-effective, long-term program to build and sustain a healthy self-esteem.
This is the core of all self-betterment and self-care that other programs fail to share. It’s the long game. The deep work that makes for real life difference. This is what we do.
Explore our new program "Your Fate is Not Sealed" at
#lifepurpose #selfempowerment #selfesteem #confidence #selfcare #purpose
#selfrespect #orlandoowen #rewire
#rewire #orlandoowen #selfrespect #purpose #selfcare #confidence #selfesteem #selfempowerment #lifepurpose #FEELDIFFERENT #keepgoing
Thank you Leonard. We love to hear it and it's been great to be a part of your journey.
If you're seeking real life changes, our new program Your Fate is Not Sealed is now available at
Foundational methods to rewire your core self-view.
How to regulate your inner-critic and manage your deepest fears and doubts.
Easy and practical actions you can apply to your daily life to start creating real change.
#rewire #reclaimyourlife #liveyourtruth #appropriate #tolife #lifepurpose #orlandoowen #feeldifferent
#FEELDIFFERENT #orlandoowen #lifepurpose #tolife #appropriate #liveyourtruth #reclaimyourlife #rewire
Do you ever feel like you're stuck?
Like life is just a mundane routine of the same thing each day?
Are you constantly losing & just can't seem to get a break?
Do you struggle with your place in the world?
Feeling disconnected?
Do you spend the majority of your time in your mind, asking, does any of this matter? Will it ever change, or is this it for me?
If you answered yes to any of the above, you are not alone.
I welcome you to join our new program, Your Fate is Not Sealed. It’s an introduction to our teachings at Feel Different.
LEARN how to rewire your inner self through foundational techniques.
RELEASE the distraction of fear & doubt through practical methods you can apply to your everyday life for real change.
RECLAIM your life.
If not for now, for your future.
Join us at
#selfempowerment #Reclaim #rewire #FEELDIFFERENT
Our brain has the power to rewire at any given time - but only with real intention & practice. This is #neuroplasticity & it’s what enables us to make drastic changes to turn our lives around at will.
We are all creatures of habit. Those of us who replace bad habits with healthy ones, are typically living more balanced, fulfilled lives.
It can take time to change our habits – typically 30-90 days – but the change is transformational.
If you put your neuroplasticity to conscious work, it will reshape your life.
At #FEELDIFFERENT we've created simple methods & techniques to trigger your brain to help you rewire & transform your life for the better. We’ve helped thousands of people with this & are launching a new program on this soon!
Stay updated by signing up for our newsletter at
#rewire #FEELDIFFERENT #neuroplasticity
Why is it so hard for us to accept ourselves?
Many people confuse self-acceptance as meaning to be content with life as it is currently. As if it is a way of just saying yes to all of your flaws and to stop trying to improve yourself and striving for a better life.
What does self-acceptance mean to you?
To learn more practical guidance and tips on how to build your self-acceptance, visit us at
#freeyourself #rewire #selfacceptance #orlandoowen #feeldifferent
#FEELDIFFERENT #orlandoowen #selfacceptance #rewire #freeyourself