Ready to start facilitator training #LEGOSERIOUSPLAY #playmatters #rewireleadership #rewireyourbrain #rewirestrategy #MeetingOfMinds
#legoseriousplay #playmatters #rewireleadership #rewireyourbrain #rewirestrategy #meetingofminds
End of Day 2 in Taiwan. The strategy landscape is taking form. Tomorrow we will finalise this and play emergencr
#LEGOSERIOUSPLAY #playmatters #rewireleadership #rewireyourbrain #rewirestrategy #MeetingOfMinds
#legoseriousplay #playmatters #rewireleadership #rewireyourbrain #rewirestrategy #meetingofminds
Ready for workshop with IFC (part of the World Bank Group) in Nairobi
The world need more play not less!!
#LEGOSERIOUSPLAY #playmatters #rewireleadership #rewireyourbrain #rewirestrategy #MeetingOfMinds #rewirework
#legoseriousplay #playmatters #rewireleadership #rewireyourbrain #rewirestrategy #meetingofminds #rewirework
Went exploring today. For once the lions and giraffes are not metaphors but actually actual
Metaphors are back tomorrow. #LEGOSERIOUSPLAY workshop in Nairobi
Trivium P/S
#LEGOSERIOUSPLAY #playmatters #rewireleadership #rewireyourbrain #rewirestrategy #MeetingOfMinds
#legoseriousplay #playmatters #rewireleadership #rewireyourbrain #rewirestrategy #meetingofminds
It is already Day 3 in Dubai, the long day. The participants will really get hands-on and brains-on some challenging stuff today
#LEGOSERIOUSPLAY #playmatters #rewireleadership #rewireyourbrain #rewirestrategy #MeetingOfMinds
#legoseriousplay #playmatters #rewireleadership #rewireyourbrain #rewirestrategy #meetingofminds
Ready for 2 in Dubai. Facilitator training in LEGO SERIOUS PLAY #LEGOSERIOUSPLAY #playmatters #rewireleadership #rewireyourbrain #rewirestrategy #MeetingOfMinds
#legoseriousplay #playmatters #rewireleadership #rewireyourbrain #rewirestrategy #meetingofminds
Leaving for Dubai and Nairobi. Facilitator training and client workshop. But first a bite to eat #LEGOSERIOUSPLAY #playmatters #rewireleadership #rewireyourbrain #rewirestrategy #MeetingOfMinds
#legoseriousplay #playmatters #rewireleadership #rewireyourbrain #rewirestrategy #meetingofminds
Destination: Singapore
In-house facilitator training together with Narudee 'Poom' Kristhanin for a company in the consulting world, but first a bit of work
#LEGOSERIOUSPLAY #playmatters #rewireleadership #rewireyourbrain #rewirestrategy #MeetingOfMinds
#legoseriousplay #playmatters #rewireleadership #rewireyourbrain #rewirestrategy #meetingofminds
And we are ready in Milano
#LEGOSERIOUSPLAY #playmatters #rewireleadership #rewireyourbrain #rewirestrategy
#legoseriousplay #playmatters #rewireleadership #rewireyourbrain #rewirestrategy
The more you focus on your weaknesses, the more you feed your lower self which takes from you and adds nothing more than self-doubt, fear, and all of your other limiting characteristics.
Shifting your focus to your strengths however, keeps you grounded in your best self. This relaxes your nervous systems, allows your body and brain to function at a more optimal level. More true to your potential.
At Feel Different we specialize in training this so it becomes second nature. We provide practical methods and guidance to help you remove distractions, overcome toxic thought patterns and habits. We help you clear the way to your best and strongest self.
Learn more at
#bestself #focusonyourstrengths #yourbestyou #lifebalance #lifepurpose #selfesteem #confidencebuilding
#mentalhealth #buildselfesteem #rewireyourbrain #orlandoowen #feeldifferent
#FEELDIFFERENT #orlandoowen #rewireyourbrain #buildselfesteem #mentalhealth #confidencebuilding #selfesteem #lifepurpose #lifebalance #yourbestyou #focusonyourstrengths #bestself
This is what we teach.
We pride ourselves on being able to help thousands of people around the world with reclaiming their lives. Rewiring from the inside and reclaiming from overbearing fear, doubt, lack of self esteem and confidence. All of this and more.
To join or explore our teachings, visit us at
#selfesteem #confidence #anxietyrelief #depressionhelp #mentalhealthsupport #reclaimyourlife #rewireyourbrain #orlandoowen #feeldifferent
#FEELDIFFERENT #orlandoowen #rewireyourbrain #reclaimyourlife #mentalhealthsupport #depressionhelp #anxietyrelief #confidence #selfesteem