Lorry · @Lorry
1176 followers · 5422 posts · Server mstdn.social
Greg Miller · @gregmillerwrites
232 followers · 217 posts · Server zirk.us

"When people tell you something's wrong, they are almost always right. When they tell you exactly what they think is wrong and how to fix it, they are almost always wrong."
- Neil Gaiman


Last updated 1 year ago

Judy L Mohr · @judylmohr
146 followers · 210 posts · Server bookstodon.com

D7: Favorite stage of writing?
I love when the brain is in full on creative mode & building those highly emotive scenes. It's during my stages that my manuscripts take on the "clean" . The rewriting stage is the full developmental editing, which is what I do for a living. I love doing it! But that initial draft is just as freeing, assuming I can shut down the editor brain long enough to get the story on paper.

#writingwonders #rewriting #writing #writingcommunity #amwriting #fiction #amediting

Last updated 1 year ago

When you can't so you instead at random start the for in a custom

And yes, all of this will be made public later. :3

#sleep #rewriting #nfc #library #flipperzero #firmware #embedded #freertos #development

Last updated 1 year ago

Steve Dustcircle ⍻ · @dustcircle
56 followers · 1449 posts · Server mastodon.cloud

Several states are and criminalizing the teaching of controversial topics. What’s become verboten?

#censoring #ideas #rewriting #history #banningbooks

Last updated 1 year ago

Agatha Christie books, including Poirot and Miss Marple mysteries, to be rewritten for modern sensitivities | The Independent


#agathachristie #Poirot #missmarple #rewriting

Last updated 2 years ago

TheBird · @TheBird
923 followers · 199 posts · Server ni.hil.ist

I wrote that long post about how Book 2 of needed some major fixes.

So now I'm writing it! I'd love for folks to read and provide feedback. Especially to let me know if the story makes sense so far, if the characters feel like themselves, and what you like.

I'm finding it much easier to write from Korra and Asami's perspectives. Writing from Mako's is hard, but I need to if I'm to resurrect his character and give him some sort of motivations for existing in Team Avatar (he can't stay as mr-mc-blandness). Bolin's story arc worries me the most, I want to do that one with care, which makes me think I ought to write an interlude from his perspective too which will also be difficult.

I'm trying to keep similar beats from the original. The beginning of my rewrite does mirror the start of the original, but I deviate with the trip to the South Pole and what Asami discovers back in Wolf's Cove.


Here's the original thread that contains my thoughts on how to fix Book 2: ni.hil.ist/@TheBird/1099627062

#legendofkorra #writing #rewriting #book2legendofkorra #ao3 #feedback #pleaseread

Last updated 2 years ago

Seán Costello · @seanjcostello
308 followers · 542 posts · Server mastodon.ie

“The poor little fellow may have been acting critically.” John Steinbeck, born in 1902, confesses to his editor that his dog (an Irish setter called Toby) has shredded his only draft of Of Mice and Men

#otd #johnsteinbeck #writing #rewriting #dogsofmastodon

Last updated 2 years ago

Stephen Cox Author · @stephenwhq
496 followers · 983 posts · Server mastodon.social

Well into the of the

When the writing is flowing is much better than when it is not flowing. But the best writing doesn't always come from a flowing first draft.

For me, action scenes cause anxiety and always need a rewrite, even playing it out with diagrams. Yet they're never scenes which get criticism.


#rewriting #wip #writing #writerlife #bookstodon

Last updated 2 years ago

@JMaverickJacks1 Indeed. I can relate to the years-long dedication to and , particularly for . My other publications, i.e., , magazine articles, and --felt easy in comparison.🤣 I have more to say on this topic but will leave that for another toot. @luis

#Poetry #Books #nonfiction #novels #fiction #rewriting #Writing

Last updated 2 years ago

FrankJamesBailey · @Frankjamesbailey
80 followers · 530 posts · Server mastodon.world

As some of you might know I'm working on a book called Yami: Kim Sweet. I sprinkled a lot of 'me' into the main character Steve but today I had an epiphany. Steve was 45. I aged him down now to 30! It's a little more reliable now. Plus, add a dash of drama like having a kid right out of highschool at 18 (which is NOT me.) and now it makes for a better story at the end. When you get a better idea, run with it. This is the power of rewritting.

#writing #rewriting

Last updated 2 years ago

Gerald So · @sogerald
119 followers · 675 posts · Server masto.ai

A person who doesn't want to do the work of , , , and simply isn't a .

#writing #rewriting #submitting #revising #writer

Last updated 2 years ago

a play/musical for the local youths. Premiere in 3 months.

So many talented young people joined in, so I've had to add about six parts. Not the worst way it could have gone. And writing in on is just swell!

While I write, I finally found time to add my CD's to my digital music library. Sound walk down memory lane!

All works well with Triskel (KDE spin on Trisquel GNU/Linux).

#emacs #fountainmode #rewriting #amwriting

Last updated 2 years ago

David Weinberger · @dweinberger
1633 followers · 272 posts · Server mastodon.social

david@weinberger.org I don't know what I don't think until I've written it down.

#rewriting #writing

Last updated 2 years ago

Blake (Pandora Blake) · @pandorablake
523 followers · 212 posts · Server mstdn.party

Finally fought my way through the bramble thicket of urgent business tasks and worked on my book for the first time this year.

I've been stuck on this chapter for longer I was pregnant. In trying to wrestle it into shape I've written three times as much as I need, and I every time I try to work out what to cut I end up it again.

Sometimes you put things off for no good reason; sometimes it's because they're genuinely hard.

#nonfiction #revising #rewriting #Writing #editing #revisions

Last updated 2 years ago

Candace Robb · @CandaceRobbAuthor
342 followers · 367 posts · Server historians.social

Spent the weekend shaping an alternate path for the middle of the , one that leads to the same point but with a shift in emotions/trust, giving it more of an edge, and tightening it.
This morning I step out onto the ice, holding my breath, another step, alert to signals that it will not hold, but excited nonetheless.

#wip #writinglife #rewriting #amwriting #writingcommunity

Last updated 2 years ago

Candace Robb · @CandaceRobbAuthor
340 followers · 361 posts · Server historians.social

A beautiful morning for a walk to the lake to think about how I want to reshape the middle of this . Looking out over the water to the mountains beyond clears the way to delightful possibilities. Not work, exploration, discovery, celebrating imagination.

#wip #writinglife #revising #rewriting #imagination #inspiration #lake #nature #mountains

Last updated 2 years ago

Jonathan Snyder · @itwasntme223
89 followers · 109 posts · Server social.jtworld.net

Oh, look. Found my missing for the I am . Looks like I've got no excuse now.

#files #story #rewriting #iamwriting #writingcommunity

Last updated 2 years ago

Russ Gascoigne · @RussGascoigne
220 followers · 48 posts · Server toot.wales
David F. Mendes · @davidfm
169 followers · 49 posts · Server screenwriting.space

Starting up a (thanks to a suggestion by my dear friend @OsLivros_DeMaria ) with a post about reworking the structure of the novel I (thought I did) finished recently. My idea is to keep posting there about the actual work of and . Comments are welcome!


#federated #blog #writing #rewriting

Last updated 2 years ago