Guest blog for #rexams by @a_steinmayr
How to leverage #ChatGPT for generating multiple-choice questions, especially plausible false statements. #elearning
PSA for users of #rexams and #moodle.
You can assign partial credits to numeric answers from guessing tasks. For example, when the given answer is reasonably close to the true answer - just not close enough to be fully correct.
If this is of broader interest I would also consider including the function in R/exams directly...
More #rexams blog posts #rstats #elearning #openolat
- Cloze exercises
- Linear regression with data download
- lm2: theory/knowledge questions plus application to data
- lm3: adds interpretation with open-ended essay plus file upload
- lm2 combines all 4 basic exercise types: single-choice, multiple-choice, numeric, and string (closed, automatically evaluated)
- lm3 adds essay and file
#rexams #rstats #elearning #openolat
Hi Mastodon! Day 1 of #movember for me.
Short bio:
- Professor of #statistics, Uni Innsbruck
- Co-Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Statistical Software #jstatsoft
- Software developer, especially in #rstats (zoo, sandwich, party #partykit, #colorspace, R/exams #rexams, ...)
#movember #statistics #jstatsoft #rstats #partykit #colorspace #rexams
Blog introducing the new #rstats pkg: exams2learnr
Best of two approaches for e-learning: #rexams + #learnr