#RexPatrick #AUKUS #auspol
Both Keating and Patrick have ripped into this subs deal.
Rex Patrick is forensic in examining the poor choice of these subs.
Drone company sends Liberal drone to Ukraine #JacintaNampijinpaPrice #youthcrimeinQueensland #SenatorDorindaCox #VoicetoParliament #TreatyofWaitangi #SenatorDavidVan #warrenmundine #camerondick #greensparty #LidiaThorpe #LindaBurney #PeterDutton #StevenMiles #CrikeyWorm #RexPatrick #words_2400 #AdamBandt #KevinRudd #Unlocked #tattoos #Ukraine #auspol #drones
#jacintanampijinpaprice #youthcrimeinqueensland #senatordorindacox #voicetoparliament #treatyofwaitangi #senatordavidvan #warrenmundine #camerondick #greensparty #lidiathorpe #lindaburney #peterdutton #stevenmiles #crikeyworm #rexpatrick #words_2400 #adambandt #kevinrudd #unlocked #tattoos #ukraine #auspol #drones
National Cabinet is to consider capping the gas price at $12 when National Cabinet meets Friday. At that high price, the government is gifting super profits to the gas cartel at the expense of Australian customers and industry. A price of $7, new research shows, still leaves solid profits for gas producers. Is $12 the gas cartel number? #RexPatrick writes.
Via #MichaelWestMedia #Auspol
#rexpatrick #michaelwestmedia #auspol