@DelilahTech That’s a good question, but I’m not totally sure how to answer. I read all kinds of stuff. Tom Robbins is my favorite author, and my favorite book of his is Still Life with Woodpecker. But I also love #DanBrown novels - he’s objectively a terrible writer, but he’s imaginative and crafts compelling storylines. I used to devour books from Red Dress Ink - kind of formulaic novels about 20-something girls who work in PR or publishing or related fields, trying to juggle their careers and their almost always unlucky love lives…”chick lit” I guess you could call it.
But I’m also a fan of non-fiction - religious history is fascinating to me, both mainstream religions and more cult-like ones. #BartEhrman is a favorite, as is #RezaAslan. I’ve recently developed a fascination with #Judaism and would love to read more about that - fiction or non-fiction.
Like I said - a bit all over the place. I’m sorry if that’s not terribly helpful! 🙈
#danbrown #bartehrman #rezaaslan #judaism
“There is a term for this phenomenon - politicomorphism, or “the divinization of earthly politics”—and it is, to this day, one of the central features of nearly every religious system in the world.”
― #RezaAslan, God: A Human History
“Minds are not changed merely through acquiring data or information (if that were the case it would take no effort to convince Americans that Obama is, in fact, a Christian). Rather, it is solely through the slow and steady building of personal relationships that one discovers the fundamental truth that all people everywhere have the same dreams and aspirations, that all people struggle with the same fears and anxieties.”
- #RezaAslan, No God But God
“Faith is a choice; anyone who says otherwise is trying to convert you.”
- #RezaAslan, God: A Human History
“no religion is inherently violent or peaceful; people are violent or peaceful.”
- #RezaAslan, Beyond Fundamentalism
The other day I was going through some quotes by #RezaAslan, one of #anthropology's foremost experts on #religion and how it interacts with #history, #culture, and #politics, because I thought they might be useful for my dark #fantasy setting: remember that good #SpeculativeFiction uses imaginary concepts to explore real-life situations.
I thought I would share a few of them in a thread here...
#speculativefiction #fantasy #politics #culture #history #religion #anthropology #rezaaslan
Listening to #AdamConover's analysis on the revolutions and currency of Iran w/ #RezaAslan
Listening to #AdamConover's analysis on the revolutions and currency of Iran w/ #RezaAslan