"Gloomy Sunday" (#Hungarian: Szomorú vasárnap), also known as the "Hungarian Suicide Song", is a #popularSong composed by Hungarian pianist and composer #RezsőSeress and published in 1933. The original lyrics were titled "Vége a világnak" (The world is ending) and were about despair caused by war, ending in a quiet prayer about people's sins. Poet #LászlóJávor wrote his own lyrics to the song, titled Szomorú vasárnap (Sad Sunday).
#hungarian #popularsong #rezsoseress #laszlojavor
Originally a Hungarian song whose lyrics concerned the kind of despair brought on by war, Gloomy Sunday was popularized in the US by jazz artists such as Billie Holiday. The drastic threat to democracy in the US is my reason for posting, though I love #BranfordMarsalis 's take and listen to it often. The lyrics may cause serious despair, but this instrumental take avoids that while conveying plenty of emotion.
#BillieHoliday #GloomySunday #RezsoSeress #JazzSaxophone
#jazzsaxophone #rezsoseress #gloomysunday #billieholiday #branfordmarsalis
I like this for this particular time in America. It is a rough time in my state and country. Originally a Hungarian song whose lyrics concerned the kind of despair brought on by war, this song was popularized in the United States by jazz artists such as Billie Holiday. The drastic threat to democracy in the US is my reason for posting this today though I love #BranfordMarsalis 's take and listen to it often.
#BillieHoliday #GloomySunday #RezsoSeress #JazzSaxophone
#jazzsaxophone #rezsoseress #gloomysunday #billieholiday #branfordmarsalis