The input connector was removed and replaced with SMA connector, perfect for the amplifier cover.
RF Isolator and output connector removed and soon replaced by a small piece of coax and another connector. š
Which connector can i use on the PCB directly ? š§š¤
#qo100 #datv #AmateurTelevision #digital #pa #poweramplifier #rf #rfamplifier #palletamplifier #hamradio #AmateurRadio #radioamateur
#radioamateur #amateurradio #hamradio #palletamplifier #rfamplifier #rf #poweramplifier #pa #digital #amateurtelevision #datv #qo100
Again today, i receive my new Eurorack 19 inch rackable 3U box for my DATV TX project Portsdown 4 with touchscreen and RF Amplifier, all in one and portable, Iām going to make it mobile powered with 12V, diy for the best !!!
#qo100 #datv #AmateurTelevision #portsdown #portsdown4 #touchscreen #digital #pa #poweramplifier #rf #rfamplifier #palletamplifier #hamradio #AmateurRadio #radioamateur
#radioamateur #amateurradio #hamradio #palletamplifier #rfamplifier #rf #poweramplifier #pa #digital #touchscreen #portsdown4 #portsdown #amateurtelevision #datv #qo100
New pallet RF Amplifier 2,6GHz editable to 2,4GHz with some mods, i want to use it for DATV to QO-100.
#qo100 #datv #AmateurTelevision #digital #pa #poweramplifier #rf #rfamplifier #palletamplifier #hamradio #AmateurRadio #radioamateur
#radioamateur #amateurradio #hamradio #palletamplifier #rfamplifier #rf #poweramplifier #pa #digital #amateurtelevision #datv #qo100