It's not the most exciting #hamradio #3dprinting project, but it's holding down to the build plate this time. This is a sandwich style case for the #rfbitbanger
Just sent out an update about the Batch 1 kit. Everything is going well. Main board bootloader programming is 100% done, there's now 9 instead of 3 bandpass filters, and we are only short some headers. Instructions are being reviewed. Boxes have been procured and shipping arrangements made.
#rfbitbanger #3dprinting #hamradio
More #3dprinting going on for #rfbitbanger cases. The case attempt from yesterday curled up pretty hard on a raft. I was using nylon and I think I had the temperature too hot.
#rfbitbanger #3dprinting #goodnews
Printing up an #RFBitBanger case in black nylon. Plenty of places to put the #defcon stickers! :D
The #defcon Show Special for #RFBitBanger, an #opensource #HF #QRP kit featuring the #scamp #digital mode and a class E amplifier design, has Sold Out.
Next stop is #qsotoday Academy on 9-10 September with a talk by team lead Dr. Daniel Marks. Event registration here
Thank you to everyone supporting work like this at the non-profit ORI @OpenResearchIns
#QSOToday #digital #scamp #qrp #hf #opensource #rfbitbanger #defcon
@EA4GMZ yes, everything is in the #rfbitbanger repository. SCAMP was demonstrated at #defcon on a couple of the kits.
The #defcon show special for #RFBitBanger #QRP #HF kit runs through 31 August. Get this kit here:
And a video is here:
Show special for #rfbitbanger kit continues today.
Live demos all day today in RF Village at #defcon.
#SCAMP protocol getting a lot of interest and positive feedback!
Thank you to those that support this work.
Find out lots more at
First full day of live #opensource #digital #radio demonstrations at RF Village at #defcon starts in a few hours. #RFBitBanger over the air and #OpulentVoice benchtop, #ribbit, #regulatory, and more.
#regulatory #ribbit #opulentvoice #rfbitbanger #defcon #radio #digital #opensource
Setting up #hamradio demos at #defcon
Here is the #RFBitBanger demo.
#rfbitbanger #defcon #hamradio
Really good day in the lab working with a new #FPGA volunteer, another volunteer joined in the afternoon, and #Neptune published a book outline. Two more posters were received for #DEFCON (from #Ribbit, three more prototype #RFBitBanger SMD boards were completed, and the #cobs decoder is a wrap.
Tomorrow is "documentation day", and we might get a summer newsletter out too.
Thank you to all who support work at ORI.
You make it possible to do difficult and ambitious things :)
#cobs #rfbitbanger #ribbit #defcon #neptune #fpga
Lots of progress on #ribbit and #rfbitbanger for #DEFCON. We'll be at RF Hackers Sanctuary (RF Village) 11-13 August 2023.
What a great day in the lab.
#ADRV9009 working. Transmit/receive and PS side Hello World up and running.
Very successful Dynamic Spectrum Allocation TAC meeting at #FCC (we meet over Zoom).
SMD version of the QRP HF #rfbitbanger kit is working very well.
And, we got a shipment of Raspberry Pis for #Versatune. Plenty going right over on that project too.
Thank you to everyone at @OpenResearchIns for working hard to make so many fun and innovative things happen for #hamradio
#hamradio #versatune #rfbitbanger #fcc #adrv9009
Documentation Day at @OpenResearchIns today and the updates are rolling in! We'll have a really nice April Inner Circle newsletter.
Thank you to #haifuraiya #ribbit #rfbitbanger #regulatory #RemoteLabs and all our other #opensource #hamradio teams working hard to publish great work.
It's an honor to help make it happen a bit easier and faster.
We welcome people wherever they are. Learn how to get started here:
#hamradio #opensource #remotelabs #regulatory #rfbitbanger #ribbit #Haifuraiya
It was another fantastic week in #opensource #digital #radio. I call this type of work OSDR.
There's #ribbit and #rattlegram, #Haifuraiya, #rfbitbanger, and two more projects without snazzy names that are coming together rapidly.
That's just a part of what is going on at @OpenResearchIns
And there is so much more out there. Tools development, #AI, free tutorials on nearly any subject, and (supply chain permitting) cheap computing and components.
It's a great time to do this sort of work.
#ai #rfbitbanger #Haifuraiya #rattlegram #ribbit #radio #digital #opensource