Kevin Karhan :verified: · @kkarhan
1142 followers · 75774 posts · Server

@sindarina Personally, I think violating should be a criminal offense, since I've also experienced the -breaking use of adresses for !

#cgnat #rfc1918 #VPN #RFCs

Last updated 1 year ago

Kevin Karhan :verified: · @kkarhan
1085 followers · 69284 posts · Server

@sans_isc AFAICT they don't and even if they would that would violate RFCs and make them liable to @BNetzA fines.

Speaking of shitty :
I should protest of them using address space [] when states they must use instead...

#rfc6598 #rfc1918 #cgnat

Last updated 1 year ago

Kevin Karhan :verified: · @kkarhan
1024 followers · 63246 posts · Server

I expetience some strange behaviour with @torproject on a (throttled) mobile connection:

Neither bridges (obfs4, meek-azure nor snowflake) nor without with get some.stable.connection and just contantly have circuits dying before it can even load the homepage to show it's connected.

Is it just me or do 's using on adress spaces also try to prevent and block useage?

#Tor #rfc1918 #cgnat #mvno #torbrowser

Last updated 1 year ago

Kevin Karhan :verified: · @kkarhan
1010 followers · 60921 posts · Server

@lobingera @LunaRogue

Not to mention a lot of woes apply due to shitty on adress spaces and other crap, like wannabe-geolocation that results in moving devices changing their [WAN-sided] IP-Adresses [whilst retaining the one on the aerial interface] causing reconnects.

And OFC a least-cost MVNO will get lower priority and worse service than an enterprise-contract M2M data-only SIM with guaranteed SLAs.

#rfc1918 #cgnat

Last updated 1 year ago

Kevin Karhan :verified: · @kkarhan
944 followers · 53964 posts · Server

@HopelessDemigod not really, but I have issues with other mobile networks which - in violation of - use adress space for .

I'm shure that @stux runs as dual-stack, so even NAT & PAT should not be the problem...

#cgnat #rfc1918 #rfc6598

Last updated 2 years ago

Kevin Karhan :verified: · @kkarhan
931 followers · 52827 posts · Server

@jwildeboer @EU_Commission that being said, I fully agree and think everyone should have a free, provider-independent /64 assignment and shit like , espechally those violating standards and using adress spaces (like networks routinely do) should be abolished and forcibly disconnecting limes each 24 hours as well as trying to restrict peoples' use should be abolished.

#Mobile #rfc1918 #cgnat #IPv6

Last updated 2 years ago

Jogi Hofmüller (he/him) · @jogi
221 followers · 3068 posts · Server

It took me 20 minutes to connect to just now. The reason for the problems that I experienced is that and I use the same subnet. For me it's a network and ueses it for its onboard WIFI service.
I had to turn remove the route that came with to be able to activate WIFI. Too bad we still have to use for all these things just because is still not widely available 😢

#NAT #IS #evil #oebb #railnet #rfc1918 #wireguard #vpn #ipv6

Last updated 2 years ago

5 Speed All You Need · @5SpeedFun
79 followers · 687 posts · Server

@dlakelan @forwardingplane @kd9cpb @tracketpacer

I just can't understand it either. I don't understand the hate. It make no sense.

SO my work has a couple of disjointed /22s for ipv4 and a single /48.

I can never remember our public ips 1) They are disjointed and 2) I mostly work in space (as I figure most organizations do). I can ALWAYS remember the address space easily:

nible 1-8 always the same (only need to memorize this)

nibble 9-12: siteid

nibble 13-16: vlan in hex

The rest - host address

Meanwhile back in the world of i have port forwardings, twice nat, single nat, and then rfc1918 to rfc1918 nats for when we deal with vendors. It's an absolute nightmare.

#rfc1918 #ipv6 #ipv4

Last updated 2 years ago

Kevin Karhan :verified: · @kkarhan
540 followers · 18392 posts · Server

@puddha you know that IPv4 adresses don't work outside of your LAN, do you?


Last updated 2 years ago

Ed W8EMV · @w8emv
214 followers · 192 posts · Server


I just started using @tailscale funnels for this purpose (ingress through a NAT). Seems to work fine on the very light duty use case I have for it. The feature is in alpha, which in this case does mean there are some known issues.

Alex Ellis (not in Mastodon, yet?) has "Inlets" which fits the same task and has some purpose-built Kubernetes tooling.

I don't know enough about Argo tunnels to have an opinion.

[ ]

#rfc1918 #nat #ingress

Last updated 2 years ago


Dans le même genre, on a bien eu ici des réquisitions judiciaires demandant l’identification d’une IP en 192.168.



Last updated 3 years ago