On February 11, 2022 Funeral Parade of Roses, Match Your Mood with Westinghouse, R.F.D. Greenwich Village and Drug Stories: Narcotic Nightmares and hallucinogenic Hellrides were screened on TCM Underground. Here's some art inspired by all four features!
#TCMParty #TCMUnderground #FuneralParadeOfRoses #MatchYourMoodWithWestinghouse #RFDGreenwichVillage #DrugStories #ArthouseFilm #SponsoredFilm #IndustrialShort #SocialGuidanceFilm #FlorrieFisher #Art #FanArt #Drawing #MovieHistory
#TCMParty #tcmunderground #funeralparadeofroses #matchyourmoodwithwestinghouse #rfdgreenwichvillage #drugstories #arthousefilm #sponsoredfilm #industrialshort #socialguidancefilm #florriefisher #art #FanArt #drawing #moviehistory
And here’s a R.F.D. Greenwich Village ska-inspired punk patch I made a while back … R.F.D. Greenwich Village just sounds like it would be a ska band, imho …
#TCMParty #rfdgreenwichvillage #tcmunderground #drawnderground
Greenwich Village: Edgar Allan Poe got high as a f***ing kite here..." (Registered Trademark)
#TCMParty #rfdgreenwichvillage #tcmunderground
Here’s some Washington Square Park art that I’ve drawn in the past for a previous TCM Underground presentation of R.F.D. Greenwich Village.
#TCMParty #rfdgreenwichvillage #tcmunderground #drawnderground
These hippies are ruining my hip cotton fashion with all of their mare-a-ja-hooty smoke...
#TCMParty #rfdgreenwichvillage #tcmunderground
#TCMParty #rfdgreenwichvillage #tcmunderground
Time to buy corduroy clothing or look for an apartment or whatever this short wants from us. I’m still traumatized from “Time Out for Trouble”
#TCMParty #TCMUnderground #RFDGreenwichVillage
#tcmparty #tcmunderground #rfdgreenwichvillage
Designed a new punk patch for tonight’s TCM Underground showing of R.F.D. Greenwich Village. Think this might my most wholesome punk patch design, thus-far! This is so un-punk, I'm gonna need to make like 25 Video Nasty patch designs to make-up for it! 🤣
#TCMParty #rfdgreenwichvillage #tcmunderground #drawnderground