A handful of members in our #RFS brigade got to try out a FLAIM Trainer kit tonight. It was impressive. An amazing resource for learning and development. https://youtu.be/FpDeILcupBM
97 Tote Im #Sudan:
die militärischen Auseinandersetzungen zwischen der Armee unter Interimspräsident General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan und der »Schnellen Eingreiftruppe« (#RFS) von Mohammed Hamdan Daglo (»#Hemeti«) auch am dritten Tag in Folge angedauert.
I'll just add that Richmond is a great campus to work. A really pleasant location that still retains some of the old Ag College's country feel.😁
Unrelated to the position, I'm a tad surprised the URL still hasn't changed, it hasn't been UWS since August 2015. I was one of many responsible for rebranding to...WSU...and had deadlines to get that stuff fixed. This one wasn't mine 😂😂😂
#commsjob #manager #rfs #westernsydneyuniversity #wsu #uws #research #bushfire
I have decided that by then end of the year, I will be able to pass the physical requirements for Remote Area Firefighting
Team (RAFT) in the #RFS. It's not a small challenge, but I can probably manage most of the strength reqs already; any tips, sympathy, or support will be appreciated.
Many thanks to my coauthors, the #RFS, @SVNieuwerburgh@twitter.com, @rkoijen@twitter.com and many referees! The #Dual_Submission really helped us. The manuscript now features a model with a network of industries with *endogenous* leads and lags of growth news shocks! Leading firms bear a risk premium.
RT @SFSjournals@twitter.com
#RFS #Forthcoming: The Leading Premium
Mariano M Croce @MCroce_MacroFin@twitter.com @Unibocconi@twitter.com
Tatyana Marchuk @HandelshoyskBI@twitter.com
Christian Schlag @SAFE_Frankfurt@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/SFSjournals/status/1618265437720154113
RT @SFSjournals@twitter.com
#RFS #Forthcoming: The Leading Premium
Mariano M Croce @MCroce_MacroFin@twitter.com @Unibocconi@twitter.com
Tatyana Marchuk @HandelshoyskBI@twitter.com
Christian Schlag @SAFE_Frankfurt@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/SFSjournals/status/1618265437720154113
A family group of fallow deer were near our dam as I arrived home from #RFS training. I count two does with December fawns at heel, a yearling doe, and a yearling buck, who has managed to grow a single spike antler at the end of his first year. He'll be off with the big boys next year.
For many reasons, some people don't like them. While I acknowledge them as an introduced species that can be a pest presence, we don't have so many here as to cause damage. I feel fortunate to have them so close, alongside our native fauna.
#fallowdeer #damadama #bushlife
#rfs #fallowdeer #damadama #bushlife
Right. Time to get my shit together and get changed. Off to the first #RFS training for the year.
RT @SFSjournals@twitter.com
#RFS #Forthcoming: Dollar and Exports
Valentina Bruno @AmericanU@twitter.com
Hyun Song Shin @HyunSongShin@twitter.com @BIS_org@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/SFSjournals/status/1616451475261263874
Yesterday around this time we had a grass fire on our farm. It was caused by a dry lightening strike.
Everything is ok now.
We had a water tanker and hoses (our own) and the local rural fire brigade and their big water tanker (with big hoses) to help us put it out.
If you don't have a fire plan at your place, think about it and make one. In NSW some (maybe all) RFS brigades will help with this if necessary.
Do it now, don't wait for another 2019-20.
#RFS #RuralFireService #NSW #Bushfire #Grassfire #Storms #Lightening 🌩️ 🔥 🌩️ 🔥 🌩️ 🔥 🌩️ 🔥 🌩️ 🔥 🌩️ 🔥 🌩️ 🔥
#rfs #ruralfireservice #nsw #bushfire #grassfire #storms #lightening
Outside, on a nice warm day, listening to lorikeets squawk and thunder rolling past, I hear sirens whooping. No drama this time, it's the next town's rural fire service (volunteers) driving Santa along every street. My town's RFS drove him round last weekend, and have done for over 35 years.
A few changes over the years
- Santa rides safely in the cab, not standing on the back
- Santa no longer throws lollies to waiting children
- the once famous but now infamous Rolf Harris is no longer on the playlist 😱
Santa's drive by and buying our xmas tree from the RFS are two of my favourite traditions of the season. I hope they continue to have a quiet summer.
#bluemountainsnsw #australianchristmas #tradition #rfs #volunteers #ruralfireservice
So this just happened! Feels weird taking a driving test at almost 60! #RFS #Volunteering
"Freiheitliche Studenten Österreich" so lange du ausschließlich die Kleidung trägst die ihnen gefällt
RT @rfs_bund
Unfassbarer Vorfall an der Universität Innsbruck. Studentin trägt ihre Sympathie für linksextremen Terrorismus offen zur Schau.
Unsere Haltung: Die österreichischen Hochschulen sind keine Safe Spaces für Anarcho-Fans! Wir fordern Konsequenzen. #teamfreiheit #rfs
I have #RFS training in an hour. We're doing structure fire and backdraft training. Right now, we have persistent 15-20km/h winds with gusts to 40km/h. Should be *interesting*.