Hej, kennt sich irgendjemand mit RGB, CMYK, PDF und Konvertierung aus?
Ich hab ein (RGB)-SVG und würde daraus gerne ein CMYK-PDF generieren.
Soweit ich es gesehen habe, kann z.B. Chrome den ganzen Farbkram aus SVG 1.2 nicht(?)
Mit Ghostscript könnte ich wohl die Umwandlung machen, aber ich brauche ein exaktes Mapping von RGB-Farben zu CMYK-Farben, nicht irgendeine Automatik.
Irgendjemand eine Idee, oder einen Hinweis?
Using #vcvRack virtual #modular #Synthesizer to control #DMX #Lighting. Sending virtual CV as #MIDI #CC, using #MidiMonster to convert CC to #ArtNet data messages, using #ShowTec Net-2/3 to convert these to #DMX data messages being fed into a #RGB #LED #Fixture.
#fixture #led #rgb #showtec #artnet #midimonster #cc #midi #lighting #dmx #synthesizer #modular #vcvrack
Yet another totally #useless clock.
Actually I had thoughts of displaying the #Hex #Clock from @UselessClock2 in color on the display, this didn't work quite as well as I had hoped.
So I changed it up a bit - And it's an #RGB clock, The #hour is RED, and changes slowly, With 23:00 being a black display. #Minute is the Green - as it gets close to 59 minutes, the display goes black. While the #Seconds is blue but goes to full blue as the seconds climb.
#m5stickc #m5stack #seconds #minute #hour #rgb #clock #hex #useless
Yay or nay?
@Elizafox if not, get yourself an #Xbox360 slim and #RGB hookups as well as the #HDDVD Player...
Tether to Withdraw Support for USDT on Omni, Kusama, and Bitcoin Cash’s SLP - Tether has announced a strategic transition that will see the company withdraw sup... - https://news.bitcoin.com/tether-to-withdraw-support-for-usdt-on-omni-kusama-and-bitcoin-cashs-slp/ #decentralization #lightningnetwork #bitcoincash #transition #issuance #bchslp #kusama #tether #news #omni #usdt #rgb
#rgb #USDT #omni #news #tether #kusama #bchslp #issuance #transition #bitcoincash #lightningnetwork #decentralization
For the #SNES mod, I have already done the #RGB mod on a #1Chip Jr. console. But I have nostalgia for the North American Super Nintendo shell, and getting a 1Chip is a bit too expensive. I’m excited for what Voultar has done and can’t wait to experience it myself. (Photo credit @Voultar on the bird site)
#Windows11 is getting native RGB controls.
Finally. #Windows #RGB #RGBAllTheThings https://www.windowscentral.com/software-apps/windows-11/microsoft-forgot-to-mention-this-awesome-rgb-option-coming-to-windows-11
#windows11 #windows #rgb #rgballthethings
#Emoji #Emojis #NuevoEmoji #NuevosEmojis
:tgchecks: :verifiedreject: :verifiedrgb1: :verifiedrgb2: :verifiedrgb3: :verifiedroot: :verifiedska: :verifiedskull1: :verifiedskull2: :verifiedsonicteam: :verifiedstroke: :verifiedyellow:
#Telegram #PalomitasdeTelegram #DoblePalomitasdeTelegram #DoblePalomitas #RGB #LucesRGB #Root #Ska #Calavera #Sonic #SonicTeam #Insignia #Insignias #Verificación #Verificado #InsigniadeVerificación #InsigniasdeVerificación #InsigniaVerificada #InsigniasVerificadas
#insigniasverificadas #insigniaverificada #insigniasdeverificacion #insigniadeverificacion #Verificado #verificacion #insignias #insignia #sonicteam #sonic #calavera #ska #root #lucesrgb #rgb #doblepalomitas #doblepalomitasdetelegram #palomitasdetelegram #telegram #nuevosemojis #nuevoemoji #emojis #emoji
#Emoji #Emojis #NewEmoji #NewEmojis
:tgchecks: :verifiedreject: :verifiedrgb1: :verifiedrgb2: :verifiedrgb3: :verifiedroot: :verifiedska: :verifiedskull1: :verifiedskull2: :verifiedsonicteam: :verifiedstroke: :verifiedyellow:
#Telegram #Tg #TelegramChecks #TelegramDoubleChecks #DoubleChecks #RGB #RGBlights #Root #Ska #SkaMusic #Skull #Sonic #SonicTeam #Badge #Badges #Verification #Verified #VerificationBadge #VerificationBadges #VerifiedBadge #VerifiedBadges
#verifiedbadges #verifiedbadge #verificationbadges #verificationbadge #verified #verification #badges #badge #sonicteam #sonic #skull #skamusic #ska #root #RGBLights #rgb #doublechecks #telegramdoublechecks #telegramchecks #tg #telegram #NewEmojis #newemoji #emojis #emoji
Wahnsinn, wie wenig Farben die meisten Displays und viele #Browser in der Lage sind darzustellen!
#RGB (Rot, Grün, Blau) kann gerade mal ca. 23% des von #Menschen wahrnehmbaren Farben abbilden.
#P3 immerhin etwas über 30%, was viel kräftigere Farbtöne ermöglicht.
#Rec2020 und weitere Farbräume werden das Farbspektrum noch weiter ausdehnen, was in #Zukunft zu viel intensiveren Farben führen kann.
Ick freu mir! 😀
#webdesign #farben #browser #rgb #menschen #p3 #REC2020 #zukunft
Het ontwerp voor de Explobots-kleurruimte. #kleurruimte #hsl #rgb #cmyk #warm #koud #extraspectraal #spectraal #spectrum #kleurruimte #verzadiging #kleurtoon #helderheid
#kleurruimte #hsl #rgb #cmyk #warm #Koud #extraspectraal #spectraal #spectrum #verzadiging #kleurtoon #helderheid
Verschillende #kleurmodellen aan het uittekenen voor het nieuwe project van #explobots. #ryb #cmy #cmyk #ccmmyk #cmykogv #rgb #rgbw
#kleurmodellen #explobots #ryb #cmy #cmyk #ccmmyk #cmykogv #rgb #rgbw
So it's one of these:
Color-Flow Neon 6.5 ft Indoor/Outdoor Multi-Color LED Light Strip with IR Remote - Monster Illuminessence — https://monsterilluminessence.com/product/6433/
It takes USB for power only (no device appears on power up). USB cable ends in a "1055 Controller", very clearly a tiny PCB with an IR receiver (for remote) and some small mcu all wrapped in shrink tubing.