Rythur · @rythur
121 followers · 1546 posts · Server mastodon.social

Alright, some more math art for your evenings, mornings, and other stuff!

These are some of the more exotic shapes of the projection. I allowed random elements and so got random plots.

I hope you enjoy!

#math #art #shapes #projections #poptarts #newshapes #rgnu #rgl #plotting

Last updated 1 year ago

Rythur · @rythur
121 followers · 1537 posts · Server mastodon.social

Here's some math art for your Thursday.

The first is an image of a feather made by the natural numbers, while the second is a Christmas tree made also by the natural numbers.

Sorry to be so vague! Research among thieves and wolves makes progress quieter than a mouse and a lot less efficient.

Have a good day!

#math #art #numbers #fields #plotting #rgnu #buildingmath

Last updated 1 year ago

Rythur · @rythur
120 followers · 1522 posts · Server mastodon.social

Here are some recent images from my mathematical explorations.

Often, I will just construct some really complicated functions, plot them, alter them, and make useful math of them.

Images described individually.

I hope you get even half the joy I got when I first plotted these wild things!

#math #art #rgnu #r

Last updated 1 year ago

I just published a R Markdown Tutorial (in German):


#rgnu #rmarkdown

Last updated 2 years ago