Quelques très belles entrées sur le catalogue de Prime Video :
- Les aventures de Buckaroo Banzai
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- Dans la chaleur de la nuit
- 12 hommes en colère
- Rollerball
- Ghost in the Shell 2.0
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- Rapsodie en Août
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#primevideo #svod #movies #buckaroobanzai #lifeforce #TheLongGoodbye #12angrymen #intheheatofthenight #rollerball #ghostintheshell2innocence #shivers #killerklownsfromouterspace #rhapsodyinaugust
32 years ago:
Rhapsody in August (JP)
Original title: 八月の狂詩曲
The story centers on an elderly hibakusha, whose husband was one of 80,000 human beings killed in the 1945 atomic bombing of Nagasaki, caring for her four grandchildren over the summer. She learns of a long-lost brother, Suzujiro, living in Hawaii who wants her to visit him before he dies.
#RhapsodyinAugust #AkiraKurosawa #SachikoMurase #HidetakaYoshioka #MitsunoriIsaki #Movies
#rhapsodyinaugust #akirakurosawa #sachikomurase #hidetakayoshioka #mitsunoriisaki #movies
January 21st- Main character is a grandmother
Rhapsody in August (1991)
Directed by Akira Kurosawa
#kurosawa #rhapsodyinaugust #sachikomurase