Tak máme doma hlasové předpovídání počasí s umělou inteligencí, přičemž naše data neopustí domácnost. Normálně se zeptám do domácího kecadla jak bude zítra a ono mi to odpoví! #HomeAssitant #rhasspy
Teda v reálu je to daleko míň sofistikovaný než to zní, v útrobách serveru poslouchá python 🐍 s https://rhasspy-hermes-app.readthedocs.io co si zjistí zítřejší počasí z entity homeassistenta, vyrobí z toho příčetný text, který ještě nechá 'doladit' ChatGPT a pošle zpátky. Ale je to cool 😁 #becausewecan
#homeassitant #rhasspy #becausewecan
Rare? Maybe it's me, or being on the fedi, but I bump into us all over the place!
Computerwise, I self host (#Yunohost, #Nextcloud, #Matrix), try to run as much of my infra as possible (#OpenWRT, #UnifiedPush,#Email,#HomeAssistant).
Obsessed with #MobileLinux!
Help out where I can with #FOSS and design (eg logos for #Tokodon, #TofuEngine, the next #Rhasspy etc)
Been plant based for, uh, about 25 years or so (started young). People still keep telling me I'll die any day now. 😜
#rhasspy #tofuengine #tokodon #foss #mobilelinux #homeassistant #email #UnifiedPush #openwrt #matrix #nextcloud #yunohost
It occurs to me that #KConnect/#Valent/#GConnect could be the basis for a really nice self-built counterpart to #CarPlay and its ilk. USB-C -> #RaspberryPi in gadget mode pretending to be an ethernet adaptor (local networking) and an audio connector (relay to car soundsystem). (i) Buttons on the steering wheel control audio and some number of macros on the phone. (ii) #Rhasspy on the pi gives you more macros, or e.g. "Call X" , "Navigate Home". Plus, #KConnect has Android and iOS clients!
#rhasspy #raspberrypi #carplay #kconnect
Een spraakgestuurde versie maken van mijn Home Assistant domotica systeem. In tegenstelling tot dataslurpers Google en Amazon verlaat de opgenomen spraakopnames ons huis niet!
#nerden #domotica #homeassistant #rhasspy #respeaker
#nerden #domotica #homeassistant #rhasspy #respeaker
@M0YNG @tychosoft @wa7iut @homeassistant I have been watching new things at Home Assistant. 2023 is the 'year of the voice', using Rhasspy to bring voice control private and on premises, using MIT license Free Software.
Being able to place a VoIP call to the speech to text process bypasses the need for a wake word, and more naturally places a microphone next to the human speaking, simplifying a lot of speech isolation processing.
#voip #homeassistant #Rhasspy
I don't use any proprietary #smartSpeaker garbage, but there isn't really any #foss alternative that you can easily #selfhost a backend for. #Mycroft is probably closest as far as feature parity, but they're backend, while #openSource, is not very easy to implement. It's something they are "working on."
I know #rhasspy is a thing, but it isn't very good at handling non completely predefined commands.
#smartspeaker #foss #selfhost #mycroft #opensource #rhasspy
Took me two evenings of tinkering, and an investment in a good microphone, but now #rhasspy voice assistant works as good as its commercial counterparts. #Rhasspy is a kind of #Amazon #Alexa but completely #opensource and without anyone listening in. Recognized text is sent to my #mqtt broker and #homeassistant: O the joy of *not* being locked in by some random company but truly free to say: "turn on the living room lights"!
#rhasspy #amazon #alexa #opensource #mqtt #homeassistant
I am looking at implementing #Rhasspy using one base station and a couple of satellites to replace Alexa. Does anyone have any experience running the base station on a #RaspberrPi 4 that also runs other services? For the satellites I am planning on using Pi 0 2Ws.
Rhasspy – Offline private voice assistant for many human languages: https://github.com/rhasspy/rhasspy #linux #foss #assistant #rhasspy #automation #voice #offline
#linux #foss #offline #assistant #automation #voice #rhasspy
Read Mycroft's *cough* "privacy" policy. Its depth and vagueness and what it lets them do with your data would make #Google proud. Similarly they've made hosting your own Mycroft server difficult (even their docs say this). When a more private alternative (#Rhasspy) looked promising, they bought the developer.
Openwashing at its finest.
For an actually #privacy friendly #FOSS #digitalassistant for a smart speaker, look into #Genie from Stanford University.
#genie #digitalassistant #foss #privacy #rhasspy #google
@boudoir @M0YNG @homegrown @venya @flancian
Sadly, when #Rhasspy started making headway as a viable, more #privacy friendly alternative to #Mycroft, Mycroft Inc followed the playbook predatory companies have long been doing to hobble privacy-friendly #FOSS community alternatives... they bought out the main developer:
Also worth reading... and a decent breakdown of Mycroft's privacy policy:
#foss #mycroft #privacy #rhasspy
Rhasspy – Control por voz segura en Home Assistant (en castellano) #blog #alexa #alternativa #castellano #control #español #frances #google_assistant #google_home #home_assistant #idioma #inglés #internet #italiano #lenguaje #local #microfono #node_red #offline #raspberry_pi #rhasspy #segura #sin_acceso #sin_conexión #sin_internet #voice #voz https://www.bujarra.com/rhasspy-control-por-voz-segura-en-home-assistant-en-castellano/
#blog #alexa #alternativa #castellano #control #español #frances #google_assistant #google_home #home_assistant #idioma #inglés #internet #italiano #lenguaje #local #microfono #node_red #offline #raspberry_pi #rhasspy #segura #sin_acceso #sin_conexión #sin_internet #voice #voz
Looking forward to the Rhasspy mobile app, which will be a Rhasspy satellite on a mobile phone. ☺️
#rhasspy #homeassistant #speechrecognition #asdistant #smarthome
#smarthome #asdistant #speechrecognition #homeassistant #rhasspy
Vielleicht noch #Rhasspy offline auf einem #RaspberryPi
Darauf bin ich über ein Projektbericht auf #ei23 aufmerksam geworden.
Looking for a #FOSS #VoiceAssistant with a much better #Privacy policy than #Mycroft (which just ate #Rhasspy)? #Genie is looking amazing, and uses unique algo's to understand requests that #Amazon #Alexa and #GoogleAssistant can't!
This is #Almond Gen 2, (developed by #Stanford Uni),. They've made big improvements. It also has a bunch of integrations with things like #HomeAssistant, #RSS , #Weather more.
The main thing they need now is more users! Check it out:
#weather #rss #homeassistant #stanford #almond #googleassistant #alexa #amazon #genie #rhasspy #mycroft #privacy #voiceassistant #foss
So, #Mycroft, the for profit, company driven, cloud-by-design, advertising ID and location collecting #VoiceAssistant just bought up the main developer of #Rhasspy, a leading non-profit, community run, self hosted, private alternative.
This person's post on their forums pretty much sums up my opinion about this, too:
PS Before you post "You can selfhost Mycroft!", look at their FAQ. Even they say it's designed in a way that's pretty much going suck and be difficult.
#rhasspy #voiceassistant #mycroft