THIS IS WHAT AN ALLY LOOKS LIKE, ‘KAY DARCE? #heartstopper #heartstopperseason2 #imogen #RheaNorwood #nicknelson #KitConnor #netflix
#heartstopper #heartstopperseason2 #imogen #rheanorwood #nicknelson #kitconnor #netflix
Damn boy, no safety net or nothing?! She should call Ben Hope, I hear he's hurting for some love.
All kidding aside, I thought #ImogenHeaney kept it classy, and I'm glad #aliceoseman didn't make her the bad guy in this. ⭐
#heartstopper #livewatch #episode5 #nicknelson #kitconner #RheaNorwood #bl #tv #lgbtq #netflix
#imogenheaney #aliceoseman #heartstopper #livewatch #episode5 #nicknelson #kitconner #rheanorwood #bl #tv #lgbtq #netflix
DAYUM! Rugby-Tits cannot win in this situation. #heartstopper #livewatch #episode5 #NickNelson #KitConner #ImogenHeaney #RheaNorwood # #bl #tv #lgbtq #netflix
#heartstopper #livewatch #episode5 #nicknelson #kitconner #imogenheaney #rheanorwood #bl #tv #lgbtq #netflix