#CanadianBacon is a #JohnCandy classic.
"If you wish to avoid prosecution, I would advice that you comply with our language laws. Which specifically prescribe that all signs be in both English and French, Canada's two official languages. I do have to fine you. That'll be 1000 dollars Canadian or 10 American dollars, if you prefer"
#throwbackthursday #tbt #canadianbacon #johncandy #AlanAlda #rheaperlman #kevinpollak #riptorn #billnunn #stevenwright #jimbelushi #movies #cinemastodon #cinema #filmastodon
#Barbie review: be the subject not the object https://oldaintdead.com/barbie-review-be-the-subject-not-the-object/ #AlexandraShipp, #AmericaFerrera, #AnaCruzKayne, #ArianaGreenblatt, #Barbie, #EmmaMackey, #GretaGerwig, #HariNef, #HelenMirren, #IssaRae, #JohnCena, #KateMcKinnon, #KingsleyBen-Adir, #MargotRobbie, #MichaelCera, #NautiGatta, #NoahBaumbach, #RheaPerlman, #RyanGosling, #SharonRooney, #SimuLiu, #WillFerrell, #WomenDirectors
#barbie #alexandrashipp #AmericaFerrera #anacruzkayne #arianagreenblatt #emmamackey #GretaGerwig #harinef #helenmirren #issarae #JohnCena #katemckinnon #kingsleyben #margotrobbie #michaelcera #nautigatta #noahbaumbach #rheaperlman #ryangosling #sharonrooney #simuliu #willferrell #womendirectors
#Barbie: Writer-director #GretaGerwig finds the soul within the plastic, with what is likely to be one of the most brilliantly bonkers films I'll see in 2023. Maybe even the entire 2020s.
Full review at Mahan's Media: https://betwixtstarproductions.blogspot.com/2023/07/barbie-2023-movie-review.html #film #movies #filmreview #moviereview #cinema #cinemastodon #fantasy #comedy #mattel #noahbaumbach #margotrobbie #ryangosling #willferrell #issarae #rheaperlman #americaferrera #katemckinnon #michaelcera #helenmirren #PERFECTselfawareness
#barbie #gretagerwig #film #movies #filmreview #moviereview #cinema #cinemastodon #fantasy #comedy #mattel #noahbaumbach #margotrobbie #ryangosling #willferrell #issarae #rheaperlman #americaferrera #katemckinnon #michaelcera #helenmirren #perfectselfawareness
From the original G1 My Little Pony movie: "I'll Do The Dirty Work".
(Featuring Rhea Perlman as Reeka, & Madeline Kahn as Draggle)
#music #mlp #mylittlepony #madelinekahn #rheaperlman
El 31 de marzo de 1948 nace la actriz Rhea Perlman, Cid en The Bad Batch.
On March 31, 1948, actress Rhea Perlman, Cid in The Bad Batch, was born.
Some awesome and funny women in the film #Poms - the story of an introverted woman who moves to a retirement community.
#DianeKeaton #JackiWeaver #RheaPerlman #PamGrier #Poms #Retirement #Comedy #Film
#film #comedy #retirement #pamgrier #rheaperlman #jackiweaver #dianekeaton #poms