Neu im Blog, die Kurzvorstellung der RHEL System Role: rhc - URL:
#kvm #networking is making me crazy. Any pros out there that can point me to a solid guide? Goal: one VLAN/bridge with internal communication between by guests only, and a pfsense machine that will firewall between that VLAN and a bridge (or NAT if I have to) to the outside world. I can't even get my guests talking to each other after reviewing both #RHEL and #Debian's docs.
#kvm #networking #rhel #debian
My latest syslog-ng git snapshot RPMs for @fedora / #RHEL are now ready:
This snapshot removes #vim syntax support, as it was moved to a separate repository from
#syslog_ng sources.
Les 14 logiciels libres entrés au #SILL cet été :
Avec du #Portainer, #RHEL, #scribe, #wireshark, ...
#wireshark #scribe #rhel #portainer #sill
I'm going to make #freebsd my main development environment for a year. I will deeply explore the environment. But everything is a personal environment (unfortunately, I can't use my personal laptop where I work or choose the OS). I can't complain, I have a powerful thinkpad with #rhel.
I'll try to use either #vim or #intellij Idea (both for #java and for #golang and rust). Vim for #java is infeasible...or not?
#freebsd #rhel #vim #intellij #java #golang
#Rocky Linux Confirmed to Remain 1:1 Fully Compatible with #RHEL :rockylinux: :redhatalt:
Rediscovered the Red Hat Linux 5.1 CD, taking a nostalgic journey back to the roots of open-source innovation.
#Linux #RedHat #RHEL #TechTreasureFound #TechHistory #Intel #Technology
#technology #intel #TechHistory #techtreasurefound #rhel #redhat #linux
Want to get access to full featured RHEL containers under Fedora Workstation? Be sure to check out Debarshi Ray's latest blog post:
#fedora #redhat #rhel #developer
#fedora #redhat #rhel #developer
Red Hat, het grootste #Linux-bedrijf, was lang een boegbeeld van #opensource. Maar na een beslissing rond #RHEL is het een paria geworden. Dit is er gebeurd.
Even though you can look up #RHEL, #RockyLinux or #CentOS when you need #AlmaLinux help, you can get all the solutions you need just by searching "almalinux"
#rhel #RockyLinux #centos #AlmaLinux
@johnny in all ernest, we absolutely need to have a discussion about which use is good. see the #rhel debacle or my favorite topic of #foss exploitation by the oligopol of hyperscalers, which are themselves totally closed, proprietary, lock-in.
but to have this discussion, in my mind, we can not use licensing. if something is free (libre), you can use it for the good and the evil. full stop. even water can kill.
Today I did my usual syslog-ng #git snapshot compiles for @opensuse / #SLES, @fedora / #RHEL and #Freebsd
- syslog-ng <-> syslog-ng communication via @opentelemetry
- Compression ability to http destination
- Message delay metrics
& more
Freebsd build instructions:
:redhat: #RHEL vs :ubuntu: #Ubuntu - what's the difference?
While backporting updates to supported packages during the LTS lifecycle is a big part of RHEL development, it is not the only thing RHEL Engineering does.
In this graph
you can see the work on trimming dependencies of Fedora packages, which is happening now in Fedora ELN.
The goal is to reduce the number of SRPMs included in RHEL 10.
From 4700 packages in May we are now down to 2500.
And yes, all this development work is now open.
OpenELA formed by CIQ, Oracle, and @SUSE to provide an open process to access source code for RHEL-compatible distros #Linux #RHEL #CIQ #Oracle #SUSE #OpenSource #SourceCode #enterprise #FOSS
#linux #rhel #ciq #oracle #suse #opensource #sourcecode #enterprise #foss
I follow the example of @geerlingguy and will stop supporting #RHEL for my ansible roles / collections.