Wer denkt noch an die verheerende Flutkatastrophe in Pakistan in den Sommermonaten 2022, auf deren Höhepunkt ca. 1/3 des Landes unter Wasser stand? Für die Menschen in den Überschwemmungsgebieten ist das Leben immer noch stark beeinträchtigt. Pakistans Klimaministerin Sherry Rhemann ist zur Stimme der Betroffenen geworden.
#pakistan #flutkatastrophe2022 #rhemann #klimakrise
"In the shadow of comet 2022 E3 ZTF little attention was paid to #comet 2017K2 #Panstarrs," Gerald #Rhemann just wrote in https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=5694743780652647: "Yesterday I tried it and what a surprise – the comet is beauty. Date: 12 03 2023 UT 18h30m Location: Farm Tivoli, Namibia Telescope: ASA Astrograph 12" f 3.6 Camera: ZWO ASI 6200 MM Pro Mount: ASA DDM 85 Exposure time: LRGB 13/7/7/7 min."
"In the shadow of comet 2022 E3 ZTF little attention was paid to #comet 2017K2 #Panstarrs," Gerald #Rhemann just wrote in https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=5694743780652647: "Yesterday I tried it and what a surprise – the comet is beauty.
Date: 12 03 2023 UT 18h30m Location: Farm Tivoli, Namibia Telescope: ASA Astrograph 12" f 3.6 Camera: ZWO ASI 6200 MM Pro Mount: ASA DDM 85 Exposure time: LRGB 13/7/7/7 min."