cns/cerebral #vasculitis is unfortunately typically only discovered post #ischemic events since the inflammation is often in micro vessels and hard to find. i was text book in this regard and thats what it took in 2010 for them to find it and upgrade my dx from cns lupus/ra to the addition of cns vasculitis too.
but #thankfully so far #life has gone on regardless. tho its a strange and challenging thing to live thru. but so #happy to be #alive.
in #2023 i want to hopefully up my #selfcare and diminish my feelings of guilt and unworthiness for my deficits.
#resolution #newyear #illness #happiness #diagnosis #unlucky #lucky #vasculitis #lupus #rhematiodarthritis
#vasculitis #ischemic #thankfully #life #happy #alive #selfcare #resolution #newyear #illness #happiness #diagnosis #unlucky #lucky #lupus #rhematiodarthritis