I feel like, most of the time, I am the Link and @chirpbirb is the Rhett in our relationship. (Except we're also gay and in love along with being bff's) #rhettandlink #gmm
I am really #excited about #GoodMythicalEvening happening in late August! It'll (likely) be 25 August for me, due to the time difference between USA and Australia.
#RhettAndLink #GME3 #Whip #Cocktail #GoodMythicalEvening2023 #GME2023
#gme2023 #goodmythicalevening2023 #cocktail #whip #gme3 #rhettandlink #goodmythicalevening #excited
Addendum to my #Introduction
I am a #MythicalBeast - a fan of #RhettAndLink (that's #RhettMcLaughlin and #LinkNeal ) and #EarBiscuits and #GoodMythicalMorning (AKA #GMM ).
Hoping to meet other #MythicalBeasts here to follow!
#photedited #screenshot with #Remini
Source: #GMM2419
#gmm2419 #remini #screenshot #photedited #mythicalbeasts #GMM #goodmythicalmorning #earbiscuits #linkneal #rhettmclaughlin #rhettandlink #mythicalbeast #Introduction
The Evening Post: We Dug A Medium-Sized Hole
Rhett and Link dug a hole together, and things got weird.
#TheEveningPostStuff #LinkNeal #RhettandLink #RhettMcLaughlin #WeDugAMedium-SizedHole #YouTube
#theeveningpoststuff #linkneal #rhettandlink #rhettmclaughlin #wedugamedium #youtube
#SongsOrMoviesAboutBuffets #HashTagGames
▶️ I operate on the principle— "There is a quote, image, GIF and song for every occasion" I uncovered a #songified clip about (they never say the word, but you know it's) Vegas and its famous "Buffets!"
#BONUS #Fact: #LasVegas consumes more #shrimp each day than the rest of the US combined—60,000 lbs, and more per capita than any other city in the world——#CookinghChannel
#parody #rhettandlink #cookinghchannel #shrimp #lasvegas #fact #bonus #songified #HashtagGames #songsormoviesaboutbuffets
#introduction Combining my accounts, from mastodonLol and mstdnCa. This will lean personal and fannish, not professional. I'm a big #RhettAndLink fan, a Star Trek #DeepSpace9 fan who loves #GarakBashir. I keep up with #trans #gay stuff. Single, middle-aged, and quiet.
#introduction #rhettandlink #deepspace9 #garakbashir #trans #gay
#earbiscuits #rhettandlink #chatgpt #comedy #funny #aiwriting #podcast #recommendation
A refugee from Twitter (I still have one, same name) adding hashtags to hopefully eventually gather some people of my fandoms
#RhettandLink #RhettMcLaughlin #LinkNeal #GoodMythicalMorning #GMM 🐓
#BenBrainard #BenjaminBrainard #WelcomeToTheTable #WTTT #WelcomeToTheStatehouse #WTTSH 🐊
#Monkees #MikeNesmith #MickyDolenz #PeterTork #DavyJones #TheMonkees 🎸
Those are the main ones. I’ll also mention #dragons #fantasy #wolves #TalesFromTheGasStation #Pokemon
I’ll make more once I think of them
#rhettandlink #rhettmclaughlin #linkneal #goodmythicalmorning #gmm #benbrainard #benjaminbrainard #welcometothetable #wttt #welcometothestatehouse #wttsh #monkees #mikenesmith #MickyDolenz #petertork #davyjones #TheMonkees #dragons #fantasy #wolves #talesfromthegasstation #pokemon
Any other Mythical beasts out there?
I’m looking to befriend other #goodmythicalmorning fans 😊
#goodmythicalmorning #gmm #rhettandlink #mythical