I want a really good #camera for the first time in years (my last one was a 35 mm olympus with a couple of good lenses 30 years ago), and borrowed a couple to mess with them and see what I want in a modern high quality digital camera and lens set. It turns out that one of the things I need, beyond mere Canon vs Olympus, is something friendly to folks with hand disabilities.
I have issues with strength and dexterity that I need to prioritize over lens quality, and maybe price.
#camera #disabilitytax #rheumatoiddisease
It is #RheumatoidDisease Awareness Day. Let me tell you that right now I am aware of my rheumatoid disease. Very aware. My arms and legs hurt. I would specify which parts of them, but it would take too long. Just figure it's everything but my torso.
Tags tags tags #RheumatoidDisease #RheumatoidArthritis #BeckyChambers #HopePunk #MinneapolisMN #sciencefiction #Papergirls #TheExpanse #Chihuahuas
#rheumatoiddisease #rheumatoidarthritis #beckychambers #hopepunk #minneapolismn #sciencefiction #papergirls #theexpanse #chihuahuas