heise+ | Kurztests: #Podcast-Tool, Linux-Distribution und #Linux-Spieleverwaltung | c't Magazin https://www.heise.de/tests/Kurztests-Podcast-Tool-Linux-Distribution-und-Linux-Spieleverwaltung-9289042.html #OpenSource #heiseplus #RhinoLinux #Lutris
#podcast #linux #opensource #heiseplus #rhinolinux #lutris
For the #LinuxSonn Distro Exploration discussion night, we have been testing out #RhinoLinux. If you have an opinion about it, let us know here!
Got a new computer, so I'm once again on the #linux #distro search.
After a year with #fedora and #gnome I think I want something else. I like many things in gnome's visual properties, but the anti-customizability is too much for me as I ranted before. Also the RedHat shenanigans don't contribute to me staying in that ecosystem...
Stumbled upon a couple of videos on Rhino Linux and I'm intrigued. Anyone has impressions to share?
#linux #distro #fedora #gnome #rhinolinux
Check out my latest YouTube video on the official release of Rhino Linux #linux #rhinolinux #foss #opensource https://youtu.be/ndpdKeH-_Jc
#linux #rhinolinux #foss #opensource
Rhino Linux's Desktop Environment really gives me "xfce trying to be GNOME" vibes
#linux #foss #rhinolinux #rollingdistro
Rhino Linux sounds interesting 🤔 An Ubuntu based distribution which desktop looks like GNOME, but is Xfce (they call it Unicorn), and it is a rolling release. It uses rhino-pkg for package management which can install packages from APT, pacstall, Flatpak and Snap.
#rhinolinux #ubuntu #linux #freesoftware #pacstall
Rolling-release Ubuntu distro Rhino Linux is available now https://www.linux-magazine.com/Online/News/Rolling-Release-Rhino-Linux-is-Available-Now #RhinoLinux #OpenSource #FOSS #Ubuntu #Unicorn #distro #OperatingSystem #GUI #desktop
#rhinolinux #opensource #foss #ubuntu #unicorn #distro #operatingsystem #gui #desktop
Ubuntu Rolling: Rhino Linux 2023.1 freigegeben - LinuxNews
#rhinolinux #rollingrelease #linuxdistribution
#RhinoLinux gets a new release.
Rhino Linux is a rolling release, Ubuntu-based Linux distro with PC, PinePhone, and PineTab support #Linux, #Linuxsmartphones, #MobileLinux, #OperatingSystems, #Pinephone, #RhinoLinux, #RollingRelease, #Ubuntu
#linux #linuxsmartphones #mobilelinux #operatingsystems #pinephone #rhinolinux #rollingrelease #ubuntu
Rhino Linux Delivers an Ubuntu-Based Rolling Release
The first stable release of Rhino Linux is available to download. Rhino Linux is a rolling-release Linux distro based on (remember what site you’re reading) Ubuntu. It’s a community-based project and not an official Ubuntu flavour or remix. I assume (though I may be wrong) there’s some lineage with the Rolling Rhino effort that emerged in 2020. Following a series of (successful) beta builds, Rhino Linux 2023.1 is available to download. This snapshot release is available for 64-bit Intel/AMD systems and ARM64, with specific builds provided for Pine64 and Raspberry Pi devices. There’s no “change log” of features specific to :sys_more_orange:
#News #Distros #RhinoLinux #Rollingrelease
:sys_omgubuntu: https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2023/08/rhino-linux-ubuntu-rolling-release-distro
#news #distros #rhinolinux #Rollingrelease
Rilasciata Rhino Linux 2023.1, la prima versione stabile della distro
#rhinolinux #linux
Rhino Linux, la derivata rolling release di Ubuntu, esce dalla fase beta. Gli sviluppatori della distro hanno infatti annunciato il rilascio di Rhino Linux 2023.1 su x86-64, ARM, Pine64 e Raspberry Pi.
How to install Rhino Linux 2023.1 beta5
#linux #RhinoLinux #tutorial #opensource
#linux #rhinolinux #tutorial #opensource
Rhino Linux 2023.1 beta5 | An Ubuntu-based rolling release distribution with sane defaults
#linux #RhinoLinux #xfce #opensource
#linux #rhinolinux #xfce #opensource
Rhino Linux Unveils Its Adorable New Desktop https://linuxiac.com/rhino-linux-unveils-its-unicorn-desktop/
Rhino Linux: la nuova beta introduce Unicorn Desktop
#rhinolinux #linux #ubuntu #rollingrelease #xfce
Dopo diversi mesi torniamo a palare di Rhino Linux (ex Rolling Rhino Remix), la distro di tipo rolling release basata su Ubuntu e caratterizzata dall'uso di Pacstall come gestore pacchetti e XFCE come desktop environment.
#rhinolinux #linux #ubuntu #rollingrelease #xfce