Least tern, such tiny little guys! They are practically like swallows flying along the beach. Washington County, Rhode Island, June 2023
#birding #birdwatching #bird #birds #birb #rhodeislandwildlife #birdsofrhodeisland
#birding #birdwatching #bird #birds #birb #rhodeislandwildlife #birdsofrhodeisland
Headed out to Sachuest Point NWR for a first day hike today with the fam'. Very busy (sunny, 55°F days in January will do that), but a Northern Harrier was out patrolling, the usual complement of deer were roaming, and it was worth sticking around for sunset.
#birds #wildlife #birdphotography #nature #wildrhodeisland #naturalrhodeisland #middletown #rhodeisland #rhodeislandwildlife #sachuestpointnwr #firstdayhike
#birds #wildlife #birdphotography #nature #wildrhodeisland #naturalrhodeisland #middletown #rhodeisland #rhodeislandwildlife #sachuestpointnwr #firstdayhike