Etwas #music zur Nacht. #rhodes Ist für Lissy und mich entspannend.
As Southern #Europe burns, Tui have already started the process of pivoting to cooler countries, including #Belgium, which while having many admirable qualities as a (cultural) #holiday destination, might struggle with some aspects of the beach holiday model.
However, overall the travel business is claiming its pretty much all back to normal after the shock of #Rhodes in flames.... in the medium term that might begin to look a little optimistic?
#Europe #belgium #holiday #rhodes
The fires in Rhodes have spared tourism, but not the island's nature.
The Greek island saw 15% of its land burn between 18 and 28 July. The major fire caused no human casualties but ravaged almost 18,000 hectares of forest and vegetation.
While resorts are preparing to reopen, locals feel they have been abandoned – as has the island's nature.
#tourism #wildfires #rhodes #Greece
Yes, I would think so... the holidaying 'elite' doesn't have to be that large a part of the global population to maintain its awful environmental impact.... mass holidays then compound that.
as I've said before: we're holidaying while #Rhodes burns...
Yesterday evening I performed live again, for the first time in #Catania.
Ieri sera ho di nuovo suonato dal vivo, per la prima volta a #Catania.
#piano #Rhodes #Fenderrhodes #live
#catania #piano #rhodes #fenderrhodes #live
Gisteravond weer eens opgetreden, voor het eerst in #Catania. #piano #Rhodes #Fenderrhodes #live
#live #fenderrhodes #rhodes #piano #catania
As #holiday business (and #airlines) see their business booming, I'm afraid I need to (once again) modify an earlier phrase about #ClimateCrisis...
What started as 'fiddling while Rome burns' (literally), was modified to: 'fiddling while #Rhodes burns' (even more literally)... but (perhaps) more realistically should be:
'holidaying while Rhodes burns'!
#holiday #airlines #ClimateCrisis #rhodes
Terrible désastre sur le système écologique à #Rhodes : 50.000 oliviers et 2500 animaux ont été "perdus" dans les incendies
Τεράστια η ζημιά στο οικοσύστημα της Ρόδου: 50.000 ελαιόδεντρα και 2.500 ζώα «χάθηκαν» στη φωτιά ::
#Grèce #Incendies
As of yesterday the major fronts were fortunately dealt with. Nevertheless, people remained vigilant in the hills watching for flare-ups. The fire left behind a about 200,000 burned acres and hatred about the state. At least even the last resident has now understood t the meaning and value of self-organization
Self-organization works when it is developed for the common good and therefore cannot accommodate bigotry and racism of any kind. #greece #antireport
#rhodes #fires #greece #antireport
#antireport #Greece #Rhodes #φωτιά
Ενημέρωση από #Ρόδο
Τα μεγάλα μέτωπα αντιμετωπίστηκαν ευτυχώς από εχθές. Παρολα αυτά εμείς συνεχίσαμε άγρυπνοι στους λόφους κοιτωντας για αναζωπυρώσεις. Η φωτιά άφησε πίσω περίπου 200.000 καμμένα στρέμματα και μάτια να τα κοιτάνε με μίσος για το κράτος. Τουλάχιστον μέχρι και ο τελευταίος κάτοικος κατάλαβε τι σημαίνει αυτοοργανωση.
Η αυτοοργάνωση έχει αποτέλεσμα όταν αναπτύσσεται για το κοινό καλό και ως εκ τούτου δεν μπορεί να χωράει την μισαλλοδοξία και τον ρατσισμό.
As of yesterday the major fronts were fortunately dealt with. Nevertheless, people remained vigilant in the hills watching for flare-ups. The fire left behind a about 200,000 burned acres and hatred about the state. At least even the last resident has now understood t she meaning and value of self-organization.
Self-organization works when it is developed for the common good and therefore cannot accommodate bigotry and racism of any kind.
#antireport #greece #rhodes #φωτιά #Ρόδο #fires
'Drone footage shows scale of damage from #wildfires on #Rhodes – video - ' #ClimateCrisis #Greece
#greece #climatecrisis #rhodes #wildfires
l overheard a conversation about the forest fires in #Rhodes. The conversation went like this "well, l hope those fires are put out soon or l will have to cancel our family holiday".
The other person agreed that the forest fires were very inconvenient.
They didn't mention #ClimateChange
Why would they? They want to believe it's someone else's problem. The politicians & industry (advertising) tell them they're dealing with the problem
#forestfires #rhodes #climatechange #psychology #greenwashed #consumerism
I know we've all got a lot on our plates right now, but I think the world needs to take a moment to understand that Mike from Surrey is a absolute moron.
#corfu #rhodes #climate #climateemergency #globalwarming
Gizmodo: Secret Invasion's Finale Is One Step Forward, 2 Steps Back #charlaynewoodard #kingsleybenadir #talostheuntamed #secretinvasion #sonyafalsworth #dermotmulroney #samuelljackson #kylebradstreet #captainmarvel #draftpromises #draftharvest #emiliaclarke #caroldanvers #oliviacolman #steverogers #jamesrhodes #briantucker #doncheadle #mariahill #priscilla #vladimov #nickfury #aliselim #skrull #rhodes #marvel
#charlaynewoodard #kingsleybenadir #talostheuntamed #secretinvasion #sonyafalsworth #dermotmulroney #samuelljackson #kylebradstreet #captainmarvel #draftpromises #draftharvest #emiliaclarke #caroldanvers #oliviacolman #steverogers #jamesrhodes #briantucker #doncheadle #mariahill #priscilla #vladimov #nickfury #aliselim #skrull #rhodes #marvel
#Rhodes deputy mayor "Most of the tourists in Rhodes continue to have lovely vacations"
Interviewer: "So you're saying to people in Britain, who are still thinking of coming to Rhodes on holiday, carry on... come here?"
Deputy Mayor: "Absolutely, absolutely!" #wildfires #greece #tourism (starts at 4:38)
#rhodes #wildfires #greece #tourism
'The Lords minister was confident the situation was improving but added: “It is also a wake-up call as far as climate change is concerned, and it is essential that the world recognises this.”'
So just to make sure I understand this correctly ‒ decades of droughts, floods and hurricanes leading to loss of livelihood, displacement, famine and deaths all over the world, primarily the global south, h were just business as usual, if not an Opportunity. However, a bunch of wealthy Britons, that decided to make things yet a little bit worse by flying there in the place having their holidays ruined is a WAKE-UP CALL. We are all so happy that you can send those empty planes for them, leaving those who live there to deal with flames.
#Ροδος #φωτιες #Rhodes #antireport
Εδώ και μέρες ελληνόφρονα φασιστάκια του νησιού διαδίδουν ΨΕΥΔΩΣ πως οι εμπρηστές είναι δύο άτομα πακιστανικής καταγωγής και παροτρύνουν κόσμο να την πέφτει σε όποιον βρουν άλλης εθνικότητας και χρώματος.
Τα εν λόγω άτομα είναι μέρος του προσωπικού στο ξενοδοχείο του Μήτση και μάλιστα το εγκατέλειψαν από τους τελευταίους προκειμένου να βοηθήσουν τον κόσμο.
Σαφέστατα τα άτομα στα οποία αναφερόμαστε εμείς ως εμπρηστές ΔΕΝ είναι αυτοί οι δυο άνθρωποι.
#Ροδος #φωτιες #rhodes #antireport
#Ροδος #φωτιες #Rhodes #antireport
Σε πολλές περιπτώσεις φωτιάς βλέπουμε τον εθνικιστικό εσμό να κινειτοποιείται για να ''προσφέρει βοήθεια''. Ας είμαστε προσεκτικές/οι, η παρουσία τους δεν είναι ποτέ αθώα και πάντα σπέρνουν μίσος με όποιο τρόπο μπορούν.
#Ροδος #φωτιες #rhodes #antireport
#Ροδος #φωτιες #antireport #Rhodes
Ομάδα εθελοντών στη Ρόδο, που είναι στο μέτωπο με ό,τι δυνάμεις έχει (και δεν έχει) όλες αυτές τις μέρες έχει να καταγγείλει το παρακάτω:
Όλοι, πυροσβέστες, εθελοντές πυροσβέστες και ανεπίσημοι εθελοντές έχουν δει εμπρηστές, τους οποίους έχουν φτάσει στο σημείο να τους πάρουν ακόμα και στο κυνήγι.
Επίσης έχουν βρει μπουκάλια με βενζίνη.
#Ροδος #φωτιες #antireport #rhodes
Greece is burning brightly
That's not a good sign
As tourists try to board
EasyJet advises the flight is a terrible idea to explore
Rhodes and Crete face an extreme fire risk at this time
#greece #wildfires #rhodes #easyjet #crete #poetry