@RanTLaw @penfount I use #rhodia for daily notes and am pretty happy. #gouletpens sells #clairefontaine and #TomoeRiver - I really love writing on Clairefontaine. Anyone try the #endlessrecorder?
#rhodia #gouletpens #clairefontaine #TomoeRiver #endlessrecorder #fountainpens
New #WorkInProgress doodle, with the pattern included 😄 (this is actually v2 after the first-choice black ink proved restless)
#workinprogress #fountainpen #lamy #esterbrook #rhodia
New #FountainPen doodle! #Leonardo #Sailor #Rhodia
🖊️ Leonardo Furore Salt <1.1mm stub>
💧Sailor Souboku
📔Rhodia dot grid
#fountainpen #leonardo #sailor #rhodia
I’m not much of an artist and my handwriting is mediocre at best, so dot grid patterns have become my go-to way to enjoy my #FountainPens #Esterbrook #Pennonia #Rhodia
#fountainpens #esterbrook #pennonia #rhodia
Mein lieber Freund Patrick Phendrick hat ja nun "aus Spaß" im letzten Jahr ein Stück Papier von meinem Schreibtisch geklaut und bei twitter gepostet. Er ist soooo lustig. Ja ja 😆
Jetzt kann ich das nun hier bei mastodon auch tun 😎
Auch wenn diese Idee aus einer Sauflaune entstand, bin ich der Meinung, dass die "Große Tonya & Donno Show" ein Erfolg werden würde. Echt jetzt!
#serien #bigsky #schreiben #fountainpenink #rhodia
Tinten- und Kritzelkram. Wer viel Wert auf tintenfreundliches Papier legt, kann das "Berlin Notebook" kaufen. Ich selbst benutze es neben Rhodia und Oxford sehr gern. Etwas größer als A6, tolles 100 gr. Papier, stabiler Pappumschlag.
#autorenleben #literatur #jugendbuch #fountainpen #fountainpenink #notizbücher #schreiben #rhodia #berlinnotebook #buch
#autorenleben #literatur #jugendbuch #fountainpen #fountainpenink #notizbucher #schreiben #rhodia #berlinnotebook #buch
Why is it always so difficult to find my favourite #rhodia and #clairefontain notebooks anywhere? Even the big river retailer doesn't stock them in Canada.
Abteilung Tagebuch.
Rot (eigene Mische, extra viel Glycerine)
Solferino (Rohrer & Klingner)
#tagebuch #literatur #fountainpenink #fountainpen #schreiben #rhodia #depression #autorenleben #gutelaune #gutenacht
#tagebuch #literatur #fountainpenink #fountainpen #schreiben #rhodia #depression #autorenleben #gutelaune #gutenacht
Mein bester Freund ist ein Mörder. So weit, so gut.
#Autorenleben #besterfreund #rhodia #rhodiayellow #stempel #schreiben #twsbi #fountainpen #fountainpenink #stilelysm #literatur
#autorenleben #besterfreund #rhodia #rhodiayellow #stempel #schreiben #twsbi #fountainpen #fountainpenink #stilelysm #literatur
Was da im Kopf alles so vor sich geht...
#alptraum #autorenleben #intrusivegedanken #schreiben #clairfontaine #rhodia #twsbi #fountainpen #fountainpenink #stilelysm (ink)
#alptraum #autorenleben #intrusivegedanken #schreiben #clairfontaine #rhodia #twsbi #fountainpen #fountainpenink #stilelysm
Mein bester Freund ist ein Mörder. So weit, so gut.
#Autorenleben #besterfreund #rhodia #rhodiayellow #stempel #mörder #schreiben #twsbi #fountainpen #fountainpenink #stilelysm #literatur
#autorenleben #besterfreund #rhodia #rhodiayellow #stempel #morder #schreiben #twsbi #fountainpen #fountainpenink #stilelysm #literatur
Ich habe die Antwort gefunden 😎
#autorenleben #literatur #jugendbuch #fountainpen #fountainpenink #notizbücher #schreiben #rhodia #berlinnotebook #buch
#autorenleben #literatur #jugendbuch #fountainpen #fountainpenink #notizbucher #schreiben #rhodia #berlinnotebook #buch
Man, since I've started a daily journal (just my 3rd week), my mind is so much more clear it seems. I've also became a bit more analog & plan/journal my guitar practice as well. I can feel myself coming out of a plateau already this month. Amazing how awesome going more analog is. A good #FountainPen & good #Stationery, #JapaneseStationery to be exact & off ya go! Though I am a #Rhodia fan as well.
#fountainpen #stationery #japanesestationery #rhodia
Happy Handwriting Day, 2023.
#fountainpen #fountainpens #kaweco #kawecosport #kawecosportfountainpen #kawecosunriseorange #kawecoink #rhodia #rhodiapaper #rhodiadotpad #dotpad #dotpaper
#fountainpen #fountainpens #kaweco #kawecosport #kawecosportfountainpen #kawecosunriseorange #kawecoink #rhodia #rhodiapaper #rhodiadotpad #dotpad #dotpaper
Serious writing about to begin
#paper #pen #rhodia #notebook #writingfiction #writingcommunity
I don't know who introduced me to #rhodia paper, but they really do make the best notebooks I've ever used to write things down with my favorite #fountainpen
Thought I'd share my favorite paper... Weird... I know.
I got some new pens, notepads and inks today 🙂 I now have five lama safari fountains each with a different ink 👍
Inks not featured. #stationery #nerd #lamy #rhodia
#rhodia #lamy #nerd #stationery