Ready to kick to kick off Red Hat Tech Exchange LATAM! #rhte #LifeAtRedHat
Good morning Buenos Aires! #rhte #TravelerTales
Made it to Singapore! So excited to be able to collaborate with all those i have missed these past few years #rhte #TravelerTales
Y'all stay safe Texas #rhte #ice #wx
So this will be me off to the Red Hat Tech Exchange in Dublin then. I am looking forward to learning and - as a remotee - some hugely overdue colleague time!
#rhte #redhatter #techexchange
first round of the #RHTE gauntlet is at hand. first leg an easy trek down to Dallas. not going to get too much of a weather reprieve, but 50s > 20s #LifeAtRedHat #TravelerTales
#rhte #lifeatredhat #travelertales