@drosophiliac @diymusicchat oh, that does sound sick. I can only imagine, til you find it for us. Wow.
Go hard or go home, (kidding!) but please come back with those beats! I do wanna hear that. Fkn LOVE that idea.
#rhythmroulette #beatmaker #sampling #diymusicchat
@drosophiliac @diymusicchat huh. That would be dope to #sample from, for sure!
#sample #sampling #rhythmroulette #diymusicchat
After seeing that #RhythmRoulette video, @InSearchOfMyRose let me blind pick some albums for a project. We did not do the fun record store trip though. I still want to do that.
Have you ever made a track from just samples??
#DIYMusicChat is ON, @diymusicchat fam!!
Let's start with a video link for context, since you might be unfamiliar with #RhythmRoulette style projects..
I was shown this video earlier this week and was so inspired by the challenge!
#Musodon #MusiciansOfMastodon #Musician #Musicians #Beatmaker #Beatmakers #MixMaster #HipHop #TrapMusic #IndustrialMusic #Beats #Sampling #Songstarter #SamplingTricks
#diymusicchat #rhythmroulette #musodon #musiciansofmastodon #Musician #musicians #beatmaker #beatmakers #mixmaster #hiphop #trapmusic #industrialmusic #beats #sampling #songstarter #samplingtricks
Hey #MusiciansofMastodon! This is the 2 hour mark before #DIYMusicChat today at noon my time (10am at this posting)
We're talkin #RhythmRoulette - have you heard of it? People blind pick 3 albums and sample them to make new tracks.
@diymusicchat have you done a challenge like that before?
What 3 #albums would you want to mashup? What have you heard others do?
Let's chat about it!
#Sampling #BeatMaker #Beats #BeatMaking #HipHop #TrapMusic #IndustrialMusic #Musodon
#musiciansofmastodon #diymusicchat #rhythmroulette #albums #sampling #beatmaker #beats #beatmaking #hiphop #trapmusic #industrialmusic #musodon