I watched a few Let's Plays today.
I'm not a big fan of rhythm games, but if you are, you might want to have a look at »Melatonin« and/or »Rhythm Sprout«. Both looked pretty cute and somewhat chill. :)
Gameplay videos:
#Melatonin (PC, #PlayStation, #XBox, #Switch, Steam): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yEiMt0-aRMc
#RhythmSprout (PC, Switch, Steam): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nxHXBVI0Tu0
#melatonin #playstation #xbox #switch #rhythmsprout #videogames #rhythmgames
#RhythmSprout is really good!
It’s simple and charming like #RhythmHeaven, and the songs are all bangers. It’s genuinely funny too! You can beat it in a couple hours, but 100%ing it will keep you busy for a while.
#recommendation #videogame #rhythmheaven #rhythmsprout
Rhythm Sprout review
Beat a path down a Low-Fi chill groove sidewalk
#Reviews #Review #RhythmSprout #TinyBuild #TinyBuildGames
#tinybuildgames #tinybuild #rhythmsprout #review #reviews
Vamos a probar el #RhythmSprout, un juego de ritmo, a ver qué tal se me da xD
Spoiler: MAL
#rhythmsprout #Ranstream #twitch #streaming #gaming
Combat in games is pretty great! Wonder if there are any more like this?
#GamesPodcasts #WaypointRadio #AgainsttheStorm #YourOnlyMoveisHustle #RhythmSprout #TheGreatWar:WesternFront
#gamespodcasts #waypointradio #AgainstTheStorm #youronlymoveishustle #rhythmsprout #thegreatwar
Vous aimez les jeux un peu farfelus et regorgeant d'imagination ?
@BeneCoudiere vous invite à découvrir #RhythmSprout, une aventure absurde, délirante, où l’on doit sauver le royaume des légumes de l’invasion du sucre.
#rhythmsprout #nintendoswitch #xp
#Switch Review: #ThePathless - Mixing together exploration and puzzle-solving, while never really cranking up the challenge, The Pathless has a unique feel on Switch...
#Switch Review: #RhythmSprout - With a reasonably-low price point, and a nice variety of musical tracks, this is a humble rhythm winner if you’re ready to be challenged...
#Switch Review: #UphillRushWaterParkRacing - With an almost mobile-esque light feel, and plenty of ridiculousness, this could have appeal for somewhat mindless fun...
#switch #thepathless #rhythmsprout #uphillrushwaterparkracing